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This innovation came to life when…
I was sitting in the back of a car at a factory in Shenzhen, China while the driver spent 20 minutes on the phone to the next factory I was visiting, trying to understand the address and get his in-car GPS to accept the address.
Thinking this through, it became apparent that a precise geophysical location identified with a simple unique alpha-numeric identifier (user name) would make navigation much more reliable.
The purpose of this innovation is to…
Provide a simple and reliable alternative to old-fashioned street address systems. Not only does Geepers make it easier to locate the actual property, it will navigate the user to a desired point (e.g. the office or the warehouse).
It does this by…
! is a link to an actual exact geophysical location stored in the Geepers Name Server (GNS) in much the same way DNS works for the Internet. Accuracy within a few metres allows users to differentiate parts of their home or business to simplify and improve the navigation experience. Geepers is the first change to physical address systems in centuries!
This innovation improves on what came before because…
Existing street address systems are not always reliable and can often point to very large parcels of land with very little guidance to the actual location sought. The Geepers GNS allows the development of a centralised addressing system that brings physical addresses into the 21st century.
The benefits to the customer/end-user include…
Time saving, reliable and accurate navigation when traveling to a place for the first time. This is particularly beneficial to the transport industry where time wasted on locating pickup and dropoff points is costly. Moving? Simply reset your Geepers location!
In the past, this problem was solved by…
Traditional street addresses. In many parts of the world these are irrelevant to everyone but a person with a good knowledge of the area. Some parts of the world use 1 for the first house constructed in the street and 2 for the second house. This provides very little information to someone looking for this property.
Its predecessors/competitors include…
A range of online mapping applications that do a part of what Geepers does. Most of things Geepers will do can already be done online, but there is no centralised structure to the process. The GNS delivers this structure.
This innovation is made for…
There are two key user groups that will be targeted by Geepers. These are the individual user and the business user.
Individuals will primarily use it to tell their friends where they live, work and play and to provide information to couriers about delivery of packages, etc.
Business users will do it to make them easier to find and also so potential clients can discover them through the category search function.
The transport industry will become one of the largest users because using Geepers addresses will make navigation easier and more reliable, providing significant cost-down benefits to the industry.
It is available for sale through…
Geepers is a totally online system and will be available via internet browsers and mobile device applications.
Our marketing strategy is to…
Launch Geepers with two focuses: private users and the transport industry.
Private users will be targeted through media publicity campaigns and online activities, including ambush marketing, videos and competitions.
To achieve the financial benefits Geepers offers, transport operators need their clients (and clients’ clients) to have Geepers addresses. Several large logistics firms have already committed to this approach.
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