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Kids get kick from iPhone app's virtual soccer ball [Australian Innovation]

Some creative Australians have tossed a virtual soccer ball into the ever-expanding universe of iPhone apps. And that ball is enjoying a rather big bounce. The ball is the star of Upsies, an "augmented reality" game developed by Blind Mice Studios and Protein One.

Kids get kick from iPhone app’s virtual soccer ball [Australian Innovation]

Some creative Australians have tossed a virtual soccer ball into the ever-expanding universe of iPhone apps. And that ball is enjoying a rather big bounce. The ball is the star of Upsies, an "augmented reality" game developed by Blind Mice Studios and Protein One.

Splish splash, I was takin’ a jog… on my underwater treadmill [Australian Innovation]

Take your standard fitness centre treadmill. Add water. Lots and lots of water. In unimaginative hands, the result would be a sloshy, slippery mess that only a bucket and mop could cure. But in the hands of the folk at HydroCo, based at Seaford in Victoria, wetness plus walking-in-place equals the Physio 1611, a compact aquatic centre that can go where an Olympic-size pool couldn't hope to fit.

Splish splash, I was takin' a jog… on my underwater treadmill [Australian Innovation]

Take your standard fitness centre treadmill. Add water. Lots and lots of water. In unimaginative hands, the result would be a sloshy, slippery mess that only a bucket and mop could cure. But in the hands of the folk at HydroCo, based at Seaford in Victoria, wetness plus walking-in-place equals the Physio 1611, a compact aquatic centre that can go where an Olympic-size pool couldn't hope to fit.

The Power of Design: Part 4 — Birth of an eye-grabbing headset

The four-part Power of Design series wraps up with a case study, showing how smart principles were applied to the creation of an award-winning Bluetooth headset.

Most Australian small businesses say ‘no’ to internet

A solid majority of Australian SMEs don't use email, a web site or any other aspect of the Internet, a recent research report has found. Talk about missed opportunities -- that same report notes that the average Australian now spends nearly 18 hours a week online.

Most Australian small businesses say 'no' to internet

A solid majority of Australian SMEs don't use email, a web site or any other aspect of the Internet, a recent research report has found. Talk about missed opportunities -- that same report notes that the average Australian now spends nearly 18 hours a week online.

The Power of Design: Part 3 — Giving the bottom line top priority

Strong, well-thought-out product design can increase your profitability in two ways: increasing sales and decreasing costs.

The only interesting thing you’ll read about the election this week

It's been an election dull enough to bore even the most Machiavellian of political pundits. With nothing much ado on the frontlines, the only option left for those in the commentary box is to... well... comment on the commentators. Fortunately, in the era of digital media, analysis has never been more interesting.

The only interesting thing you'll read about the election this week

It's been an election dull enough to bore even the most Machiavellian of political pundits. With nothing much ado on the frontlines, the only option left for those in the commentary box is to... well... comment on the commentators. Fortunately, in the era of digital media, analysis has never been more interesting.

When building your online profile, don’t be bullied by the internet

The internet can be a bully. It can be your best friend one day and your mortal enemy the next. Anything from a high school school achievement to a business complaint, your footy team photo to a survey you took years ago – can all be found in a single Google search. A little scary isn’t it?

When building your online profile, don't be bullied by the internet

The internet can be a bully. It can be your best friend one day and your mortal enemy the next. Anything from a high school school achievement to a business complaint, your footy team photo to a survey you took years ago – can all be found in a single Google search. A little scary isn’t it?

Is theatre the future of retail?

For beer consumers, I imagine this innovation might be an enormous boon (personally, I'm a quantity over quality type of guy). However, I suspect that the real commercial advantage drawn from the Beer Vault might not be its capacity to expand beer drinkers' palates and prevent wastage.

Government project urges Internet virgins to climb aboard

Small businesses that haven't dived into the vast sea of the World Wide Web have been tossed a life preserver, courtesy of the Australian government. A project called Winning Business Online provides an extensive -- and free -- online classroom that lays out the framework and possibilities of e-business.

Tear down the new walls: Gavin McGarry [PODCAST]

There's big money in tearing down traditional barriers between media formats. Just ask Gavin McGarry, who has built a business out of trans-media storytelling. As president of New York-based company Jumpwire Media he says that no one has got it all figured out yet, and there is still plenty of money to be made.

The ultimate Transformer: Jeff Gomez [PODCAST]

If the lines between films, comics, toys, games and even them park rides is completely blurred now, Jeff Gomez is the man who blurred them. The founder and CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment has been translating stories and brands across media types since the 1990s, and has worked on projects for Avatar, Transformers, Hot Wheels and many others, including the upcoming revival of the sci-fi classic Tron.

We built a free online community. How do we now ask members to pay?

So you've spent your time building a community based on sharing knowledge. But the larger it gets, the more it costs to run. Do you shut down your network or do you get creative about how to offer a service and be paid at the same time? Angelina Russo poses the question.

Collaborative Research Networks scheme seeks expressions of interest

The Australian Government is seeking expressions of interest from eligible higher education institutions for funding under the Collaborative Research Networks (CRN) scheme. The CRN scheme will provide up to $51 million from 2011 until mid-2013 to help less research-intensive smaller and regional universities strengthen their research capacity by teaming up with other institutions in areas of common interest.

Your innovation initiative: What's the ROI?

It's right to think that if your organisation is not being innovative it will not be able to retain its position and will soon be overtaken by smarter competitors. But, unfortunately, the other side of this reality is that if the innovation initiative is not delivering quantifiable value then clearly it should not be funded and, therefore, should not exist.

Your innovation initiative: What’s the ROI?

It's right to think that if your organisation is not being innovative it will not be able to retain its position and will soon be overtaken by smarter competitors. But, unfortunately, the other side of this reality is that if the innovation initiative is not delivering quantifiable value then clearly it should not be funded and, therefore, should not exist.
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The Alchemy of Negotiation with Matt Lohmeyer [FREE REPORT]

Negotiation is part and parcel of everyday life. Despite this, the idea of honing our negotiating skills doesn’t go down well with most of us. We fear that we’ll end up being manipulative, exploitative, scheming. To help us break the chains of this retrogressive mentality, we have Matt Lohmeyer. He has worked as a professional negotiator in various fields for over eight years and before that, negotiated deals with biotech pharmaceutical and chemical companies. In short, he’s an Alchemist in the Art of Negotiation.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...