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Would you like to interview one of these amazing people for Anthill?

Ian Charles Stewart (Co-founder of WiReD Magazine), Warren Coleman (Co-writer and Co-director of Happy Feet), Michael Naimark (Founding Member of the Atari Research Lab, the Apple Multimedia Lab and Lucasfilm Interactive), Shinta W. Dhanuwardoyo (Recognised by Globe Asia as one of the 99 Most Powerful Women in Jakarta), Gerry Gouy (Senior Director, Global Business Development, MTV Networks International), Corvida Raven (One of Time Magazine’s 25 Facebook Profiles You Should Subscribe to Right Now)...

How to live a memorable life. Simple steps to having a better memory [VIDEO]

oshua Foer was once just a science journalist for publications like National Geographic, Slate, and the New York Times. After a year of exploring ancient memory training, he can add accidental U.S. Memory Champion to his list of accomplishments. If he can do it, anyone can.

Are you involved in risky business? And we're not talking about miming songs in...

Tom Cruise has a lot to answer for. The least of which is that classic scene in the movie, Risky Business. As an entrepreneur, you know only too well that legal compliance can make or break a business. The legal considerations for employees and the terms of their engagement with your company has many legal considerations to consider. If you're not adhering to these, you are indeed, running a risky business.

Five marketing activities you should quit doing immediately

Are you sitting at your computer wondering where your marketing dollars went? You’re not alone. Many business owners start marketing plans with grand ambitions, then quickly lose track of what’s been spent where, with what, if any, return.

Viral Marketing 101 just changed. Check out lessons from ‘The Hunger Games’

What was the last thing you did before booking your movie tickets? One in five logged on to Facebook and checked out what their close friends said about the movie, and an even higher 38% found other ways to do the same, suggesting a clear shift in the dynamics of viral marketing.

Six things every business must include in their strategy if they want to be...

People are at the centre of almost every business. Customers, shareholders, staff and other stakeholders are increasingly talking to one another. Lately, their conversations increasingly are taking place online and even more so on social media platforms. So, whether you like it or not, you are in a social media business.

Mooo grows into Tinyme, wants to be counted as a global brand

There comes a time in the life of a startup when it is, happily, meet with the opportunity to expand its frontiers. To mooo.com.au, a seller of diverse personalised and stylish products for kids, that moment came last year. Not all founders seize the opportunity when it presents itself. The founders of mooo embraced the opportunity with open arms. Now, they are taking on the world.

Founders of work-at-your-leisure job site ready to take on Silicon Valley

It might have been inspired by the Founder's quest to find part-time or freelance work to suit their unique needs. Or, it might be a broader thing, given our changing society. Regardless, HireMeUp got it right, and now they're heading to Silicon Valley.

Deskarma: Gamification as social currency for workplace change

Apparently work isn't fun enough. Now, work has to become a game to foster innovation and staff engagement. And, it's not just the social networks and startups taking this path. The World Bank and the U.S. Army have begun to gamify their workplaces.

How Facebook has destroyed politics and why FourSquare is the new world democracy [VIDEO]

What happens on the internet, stays on the internet. The Onion has again risen above all other media outlets with this exclusive report into what Facebook means for the future of American politics.

Stop undermining your own business. Why discounting is a bad idea

Do you cut prices, and give up your margin, because you don’t know how to say ‘no’?  If you do, it’s time you realise that it is no good for anyone — not you, your customer or the industry. 

Three years building it, three days to close it. How I made the decision...

Two months ago, I made one of the hardest decisions in my life. I decided to shut down my startup business, Skimp. It took me three years to build the business. In the end, it took me just three days to close it.

StreetAdvisor: Will it or 7 others ‘fit’ in the iconic world of Webby awards?

There are Australian companies galore in the 16th Annual Webby awards nominations. With more than 10,000 entries received this year, eight Australian companies have made it to the finals. All of these companies will now be fine tuning their five word acceptance speeches.

The upside of having an aging population, if you're an entrepreneur

An ageing population of business owners and a generational shift in business succession strategies is poised to bring unprecedented opportunities for major investments. This will be in the form of small to medium businesses for sale, as the baby boomer generation continues to reach retirement age and exit the business sector.

Minister Brendan O’Connor calls on the ‘Future of Work’

Is coworking the 'future of work'? Brendan O'Connor, the Minister for Small Business believes it may be the case. Melbourne Hub, one of many coworking spaces, is one example of how these environments attract companies both large and small. Is coworking the next step in mobile, 'knowmadic' workforce?

Apps to help businesses plan, impress dates, annotate fridges and fill bars; all winners...

So, who won the big prizes at the Sydney Hackathon? Apps that help everything from planning a great date, to organising the internet were awarded. Plus, Eric Bae shares his five point success plan that helped him score the major award and a $10,000 investment.

Prospecting, prospecting, prospecting. Get your sales mantra right

Prospecting is the oxygen that fuels the fire of sales. Now, take a deep breath and grasp the full significance of that statement! Then, stop hyperventilating at the thought of selling, and read on. Simply put, there is no business without prospecting.

Now you can get your condoms like your mobile phone subscription and measure your...

Big Richard Industries Pty Ltd has launched a monthly condom subscription to combat embarrassment about buying condoms. The company cites a recent NSW Health report that of people aged 20-29, only 40.51% of people admit they always use condoms during sex. Its deduction was that problems of availability and awkwardness of over the counter sales were to blame, and that it could offer another solution.

Bringing coffee to a nation of tea drinkers, how Di Bella has taken on...

A Brisbane coffee mogul has beaten Starbucks at its own game. Launching into India, before the U.S. behemoth, Di Bella Coffee has had an overwhelming response from a nation of tea drinkers.

Four email marketing mistakes that make you look like a spammer, and what you...

A whopping 85% of email sent worldwide is spam. Plus, personal emails now account for only 14% of inbox email. Half of what’s left is made up of opt-in newsletters and deals. That’s a lot of marketing emails! So, how do you make sure your marketing emails don't end up being classified as spam?
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The Facebook Honey Trap with James Tuckerman [CHEAT SHEET]

This cheat sheet was developed to help small business operators harness the incomparable (and undeniable) potency of Facebook to recruit fans, spread the word, and (most importantly) generate inbound business.


The Alchemy of Negotiation with Matt Lohmeyer [FREE REPORT]

Negotiation is part and parcel of everyday life. Despite this, the idea of honing our negotiating skills doesn’t go down well with most of us. We fear that we’ll end up being manipulative, exploitative, scheming. To help us break the chains of this retrogressive mentality, we have Matt Lohmeyer. He has worked as a professional negotiator in various fields for over eight years and before that, negotiated deals with biotech pharmaceutical and chemical companies. In short, he’s an Alchemist in the Art of Negotiation.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...