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Applications are now open for the 2012 30under30 awards!

30under30 is an Anthill initiative that was launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. The program provides...

Why Gina Rinehart's forays at Fairfax could actually be good news for small business...

In 2009, I was interviewed by Tim Burrowes for mumbrella and asked to share some of my 'contentious' views about the future of media. I've been heckled at events before (often and willingly) but I've never felt physically threatened, like I felt that night. I had accidentally made some already anxious people very angry. Four years later, what initially caused ire (then dismissed as science fiction), is now making headlines... for real.

From 'Gunna' to Doer: three keys to starting up smart

I left behind a well-paid senior executive role at a financial institution to start a company that takes on the secretive online broker industry. I made that decision to leap, even though I have a young family of four. So what made me do it? In reality it was very subtle – three things called confidence, perspective, and balance.

Pure awesome: the honest and surprising facts about coffee [VIDEO]

Some of us drink coffee. Some of us drink more coffee than others. Some of us need coffee. So, it's not really surprising to know that globally, we consume 300 tons of caffeine a day. Yes, a day.

Online SMEs performing better than sans-site peers

The folks at MYOB love themselves a bit of statistic-y goodness. Their latest number crunching shows online SMEs are fairing much better than their not so digital counterparts.

Social media meets real world with a Twitter activated vending machine [VIDEO]

Look past the creepy, robotic voice of the vending machine. It's really creepy. This integrated promotional campaign for ice tea manages to achieve real life and online brand awareness at the same time. Clever, huh?

The Brisbane driving school that made TechCrunch’s front page in 15 minutes

Here’s proof that Facebook, Twitter et al aren’t the only companies earning column inches on TechCrunch. Brisbane driving school No Yelling recently found itself on the nerd digi-bible’s front page off the back of just 15 minutes’ work, earning loads of SEO-tastic links in the process.

So, you reckon you’re a good decision maker. What makes you think that? [VIDEO]

Every day we get up, clamber out of bed, and make decisions. We decide whether we'll wear Calvin Kleins or Bonds undies. We choose a Batman t-shirt over a Green Lantern or Wonder Woman one. But really, are we really making a cognitive choice?

Old Spice guy makes a cameo in latest viral ad [VIDEO]

Whoever thought that a little bit of hand waving from a girl in tank top could cause so much havoc. Clocking more than 10 million views in the past three weeks, this ad for the Samsung Smart TV looks set to become one of the big viral ads for this year.

I'm calling for a design revolution! Why designing a product should be hard, not...

People like easy. People like simple. People like comfortable. So, why do so many things that we experience on a daily basis seem to be the opposite? The only possible difficulty concerning ease of use should be in the initial design of that ease of use. Things themselves need to be easy to use.

Space: it makes your feel insignificant doesn't it? [VIDEO]

Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. You might think it's a long way down to the chemist, but that's just peanuts compared to space. And oddly, peanuts is about the same amount of funding that NASA receives to continue exploring space. Yet, without space exploration, we have no perspective on ourselves.

Missed out on the Facebook IPO? There’s another way to get in on the...

So, you reckon the Facebook share price will plummet further? Want to make a bet? No, I mean really. Do you want to make a bet? Bookmaker Tom Waterhouse is taking bets on just how low the Facebook stock price will go by the end of 2012.

Google: Businesses lagging behind mobile consumers

The good people at Google recently released research offering insight into how Aussies use and abuse their smartphones. It's not a huge surprise that the research found that smartphones have become the technology du jour for most Australians. But have businesses stepped up to the plate?

Anthill's SMART 100: Readers' Choice Revealed (2012)

They embody the passions of earnest inventors and the dreams of budding business builders. They are the products of industries both old and...

Is Microsoft merely flirting with So.cl? Or can it get serious?

Facebook is the default social site of the world. With 900 million members, it would be the third largest “country” in the world, behind only China and India. In comparison, Google+, a late and weak effort from the search giant, is a “ghost town.” So where does Microsoft, the giant that likes to sleep in, fit into the picture?

How to recruit staff for your small business

With limited time and resources, recruiting staff in a small business is challenging. While recruitment agencies offer comprehensive end-to-end management of the process, for small businesses price can often be an issue.

[WEBINAR] How to get more leads, make more friends and have more meetings… in...

James Tuckerman is a self-confessed "lazy business owner". He's a passionate seeker of "cheats" -- shortcuts to help him get more done in less time. In this webinar, he will reveal how he automates lead generation and the tools he uses to attract business... in his underpants... while he sleeps.

Anthill’s SMART 100: Winners Revealed (2012)

In true Anthillian style, the SMART 100 is an ever-evolving, ever-improving experiment. Designed to encourage, promote and support innovation in Australia, it identifies and ranks new Australian innovations by applying a combination of crowdsourcing, collaboration and common-sense. Who are this year's SMART 100?

To earn online, go for BPO, mobile apps or open standards web development, but...

When the economy gets tough, providing services over the Internet just gets better, according to a survey from Freelancer.com for the first quarter of 2012. The number of jobs listed rose from 140,000 to 170,000 in the first quarter of 2012. Some roles are star performers.

Cloud computing made easy

If you hang in the right circles, you may hear variations on the concept of cloud computing. Cloud computing also goes by the name of the cloud, hosted services, utility computing, grid computing, Software as a Service (Saas), Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). With so many super-catchy titles, just what the heck is it? So glad you asked…
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Plenty of recruitment agencies have tallied the numbers and found that the average dud hire will cost an organisation between $50,000 and $70,000, factoring...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...