Home Anty-Climax The most intelligent uses of Twitter accounts from around the world, in...

The most intelligent uses of Twitter accounts from around the world, in one place


Clever Accounts (@CleverAccounts) tweets about interesting and intelligent uses of Twitter from around the web.

The feed is taken from Clever Accounts’ Posterous blog, which carries the apt tagline: Twitterers that make you say, “Now I get it!”

Some example of Clever Twitter accounts:

SF residents can tweet about non-emergency related issues they see around the city in real-time and get a quick resp…http://post.ly/Rxah
7:25 AM Mar 11th via Posterous

A Bike Theft in the Time of Twitter (New York Times) http://post.ly/RxDB
7:06 AM Mar 11th via Posterous

Twitter’s impact along the Sunset Strip (Los Angeles Times) http://post.ly/WNnT
4:54 AM Mar 30th via Posterous

The account was only launched in March this year and they are inviting people who know about clever uses of Twitter accounts to tweet about them, @ mentioning @CleverAccounts. I just tweeted them about Dave Birchall’s How I used Twitter to put a CEO on the street.

Hat-tip Trevor Young.