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Can we fight poverty by profiting from it? This radical business course will teach...

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when we mention the word 'poverty'? Images of hungry people, is my best guess. Most people don't...

Need a surefire way to squash creativity? Give it a tight deadline [VIDEO]

Does a tight, strict deadline jump-start creativity or quash it? This video by Kreativ, a Hungarian marketing and communication magazine, takes a forceful side on the question. A group of young students is given 10 seconds to draw the face of a clock (nice subject choice, no?). The kids are then get 10 minutes to draw the same object. The difference between the results can't help but bring a smile to your face.

Funnelweb (SMART 100)

Our customers kept asking us about the best way to fill bean bags.

Cursions – the online resource database for Australian teachers (SMART 100)

We have spent almost fifteen years working in the Victorian education sector, teaching everything from Outdoor Education to Science to History to Geography. After seeing firsthand the increasing frustration felt by many teachers trying to find the best educational opportunities for their students, and how this was matched by an inability by many providers to successfully advertise their products to schools. Having identified a big gap in the market, we looked around at the technology available, decided upon ones and zeros as our medium, and after many sleepless nights and cups of coffee -- Cursions was born!

Website(s) of the week: Students locked up until they built 6 web startups from...

The idea of locking a bunch of creative people in a room until they have hammered out a plan for a new business is not new. In fact, it's been done at Mixer events around the world for a number of years. But the concepts - which tends to engender a form of Stockholm Syndrome in entrepreneurs held hostage by market problems - always seems to churn out interesting formative business. They might not always go on to become the next Google, but the process illustrates the power of focused collaboration.
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Five ways to manage your time by managing yourself, with Helen...

Finding the time to tackle everything is one of the greatest challenges faced by business owners. To help time-starved business owners work smarter and not harder, we spoke with Helen Ebdon. The director of Affirming Business and Executive Coaching, she’s a serial entrepreneur who started her first business at age 25. She’s built and run direct marketing and communications businesses and she’s also the creator of the Take 15 Program for business effectiveness.



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...