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Tag: privacy act

What are the top 5 legal risks Australian start-ups face in 2014?

Each year brings a new round of changes to the regulations governing the sphere in which small businesses operate. The sheer number of issues can...

Five things you need know about the new privacy legislation (before it’s too late!)

Enlightening data is emerging as many firms’ most precious asset. As technologies advance, marketing methods and the where and how data is collected has...

Could your website’s terms and conditions turn into your one way ticket to jail?

The ACCC’s one day crack down on website T&Cs should just be a reminder to business owners that not protecting themselves against legal liability could bring heavy fines. Is your website in the cross hairs?
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How to expand into New Markets with Elsita Meyer-Brandt [CHEAT SHEET]

Most organisations begin with aspirations to start local, then grow global. But, in reality, very few ever take the big leap into new markets. In this Cheat Sheet, Elsita Meyer-Brandt, Head of Market Expansion and International Marketing for Eventbrite, shares five rules to help organisations, just like yours, expand into new markets.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...