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Here’s how to start and build a successful self-funded business from social media

Social media is growing as a platform, to not only reach consumers but also to build a brand’s online presence. Creative industries in particular thrive off image based social media platforms to build awareness.

Australia’s tech sector poised for greatness thanks to millennial entrepreneurs

If you look back to the pre-millennial time before 1980’s, there were as many dreams and talents as now. Since then, technology, the Internet and smartphones democratised opportunities and brought them closer to those with the dream to do more, especially the youth.

This tech start-up has set out to become the Xero of social media influencer...

Hypetap is Australia’s leading influencer engagement platform, offering a sophisticated, end-to-end technology powered solution that connects the highest quality influencers.

Real estate, meet real time: This start-up lets you follow the house of your...

After WA trial, tech start-up followit brings real time to real estate giving Australian home buyers live information on real estate the second it is listed

Blog Avenues wants to put your business on the road to Australia’s most influential...

Founded by marketing duo Lisa Johnston and Rachael Ballard Sydney based tech start-up Blog Avenues is Australia’s newest influencer marketing platform

This social network which has been endorsed by Richard Branson and Marina Abramovic has...

Ideapod, a social network designed specifically for capturing and sharing ideas in their purest form, has just launched in Australia. Co-founders Mark Bakacs and Justin Brown though based in the US are Australian.

How will real-time data and analytics change how we organise and attend events?

The events industry has always adapted to new technology early. Holograms, laser light technology, beacon and geo-location based activity, live polling and several other...

Culture Amp secures $6.3 million in Series A funding from three different VCs in...

People Analytics company Culture Amp, which counts many of the big boys in new tech such as Airbnb, Uber, Pandora, Adobe, Pinterest, Warby Parker,...

Abracadabra! This tech start-up has cast a magic spell on a cult fashion brand

What do you think would happen if sleek technology joined hands with high fashion? I for one imagine humanoid robots pulling off a perfect...

Can you imagine walking around with a camera crew… in your smartphone?

Ever since its invention, video has always been a powerful tool for communication. And, it looks like we could now harness this power even...

What if the Internet really was a party? Would you get invited? Would you...

It might because every big name on the Internet is so annoying. And demanding. And fragile. If the internet really was a party, would your RSVP to the invite?

How one new social media site is keeping you from being bummed

Ever had that feeling that you have missed something? Have you ever been totally devastated to learn that there was an employment expo held just around the corner, but you didn't even know about it beforehand? Maybe your favorite local band played at show two weeks ago, but you didn’t get the memo?

Using Pinterest to engage your audience

Although Pinterest is a relatively new form of social media, it’s rapidly gaining ground. The [other] social network can be used to great effect as a way to engage your brand’s audience. Where Twitter is all about words, with Pinterest piccies matter.

Digital culture isn't an oxymoron. Or is it? [VIDEO]

Jonathan Harris is both an artist and a computer scientist. That must mean that both hemispheres of his brain are firing on full cylinders. In this video, Harris shares what he has discovered in his work to be the four big cultural trends brought to us by the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest: Compression, Disposability, Curation, and Self-Promotion.

Why you should be on Pinterest [VIDEO]

I'll admit it. I have mixed thoughts on Pinterest. To test my suspicions that it's a fad, in April I ran a highly sophisticated survey. OK. Truth is, I ran a Facebook question amongst my friends asking them when they used Pinterest. This infographic video, however, showcases real statistics about the rise of Pinterest.

Better than Pinterest? 99dresses.com finds new lease of life in Silicon Valley

What happened when Nikki Durkin took 99dresses.com to Silicon Valley? The 20 year old has been telling the American press that she has 'created crack for women', after three months of internship at YCombinator, arguably the world’s most famous startup accelerator.
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How to build a retail empire with James Webber [FREE REPORT]

Starting any new business is hard, but starting an online retail business is particularly hard. You see, this is one industry that combines technology, logistics and, of course, marketing – it’s a juggling act. To help us crack this hard nut, we sought the wisdom James Webber, CEO at Bookworld.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...