Tag: Nielsen
And for today’s business magic trick, I will turn a customer into a hardworking...
In today’s connected world, brand advocacy is more vital than ever. Did you know that on average, 32 per cent of advocates recommend ten...
Marketing mantra: Wake up and follow the mobile window shoppers!
A recent study by Nielsen found that 47% of smartphone owners used the mobile Internet to find out more about a product or service before making a purchase decision. In fact, the top five “pre-shopping” activities carried out on a smartphone included: comparing product prices before visiting the store and whilst in-store, checking store locations, taking photos of products and reading product recommendations and reviews.
Election accelerates mobile ‘news’ adoption, says Nielsen
Australians' use of handhelds to track the election and its aftermath led to record usage levels. Nielsen's Mobile Market Intelligence service saw overall volume leap by 19 percent in August, compared to July, with the major news organisations the key beneficiaries of the traffic increase.
Are Australians the worst illegal downloaders in the world?
When the climatic finale of the television series ‘Lost’ aired earlier this year, BitTorrent news service TorrentFreak estimated that 15% of all torrent downloads of the final episode originated from Australia, despite the country representing only 0.3% of the world’s population. Do we blame our convict past or lack of access to legal channels?