Tag: nasdaq
Young gun entrepreneur Jordan Grives sells Fonebox to multi-billion dollar global giant
Fonebox founder and chief executive, Jordan Grives has announced one of the biggest buy-outs in Queensland’s telecommunication history selling the business he started as a teenager in Brisbane to a multi-billion dollar NASDAQ listed company.
Don’t trip! 8 start-up mistakes every entrepreneur should watch out for
After reviewing over 9,000 business pitches in the 10 years and investing in more than 50 companies, VC Andrey Shirben shares 8 common entrepreneur mistakes
This start-up wants to make sure you never fight with your flatmate again over...
Sydney fintech start-up Easyshare has launched its new digital platform, aiming to make the lives of Australia’s 4.1 million renters easier by eliminating their common disputes over money splits for rent and bills.
Mr Tax Refund. The name says it but add a little attitude!
Burns is betting that Australians will dump low-cost, tax preparation software in favour of Mr Tax Refund, which adds human specialist knowledge to the process.
Legal: Flipping up
Business people love to use jargon, but what exactly does it mean to do a "flip-up"? Not to be confused with "two-up", our national...