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Stand out of the crowd with crowd funding. Ironic huh?

So what the heck is crowd funding? Basically, this is how crowd funding goes. People come together, usually via the internet, pool their cash and inject it all together into an initiative by another person or organisation.

Do you have an addiction to social media? Here’s a lesson from those YouTube...

The next time you interrupt a face-to-face conversation to tweet your own witty repartee... The next time a friend actually stops liking your Facebook fan-page because you bumped them from the FourSquare mayorship of the pet-grooming store... The next time you spend your Friday afternoon watching YouTube clips instead of catching up with friends... reflect on the lessons you learned in this video.

Marketing 3.0: How new media leaders are opening their APIs to third party developers...

Opening up your API to approved third parties can have huge benefits for your brand. Just ask Twitter – they built much of their early success off the backs of their external developer community.

Freelancer survey reveals technology winners and losers for 2010 (PHP biggest winner; Microsoft biggest...

Online outsourcing marketplace (and Anthill Cool Company Award winner) Freelancer.com has released the results of its 2010 Freelancer Fast 50 index, an analysis of 320,000 online job postings, revealing the most (and least) popular technologies desired for freelance jobs in 2010, providing a barometer of technology trends.

What is Apple’s Ping and could it prompt the death of MySpace?

Poor Myspace. It's been on its last air-guitar-riffing, crowd-surf-groping, drug-fuelled stagger for several years now. Indeed, the only thing that has kept its face from plunging into the vomit-filled toilet bowl of obscurity has been the way musicians have used the platform to self-promote... until now.

Why this angel is not investing in social networks

A young entrepreneur asked me an interesting question, “If Twitter hadn’t happened yet and you had the chance to invest in it at start-up, would you?” As it turns out this is quite relevant as I did have the chance to invest in Twitter during a very early funding round through my own networks in Silicon Valley.

Friendster spoof likens the barren social media site to a lost civilisation.

According to this satirical video from The Onion, archaeologists have found 'ruins' of a lost internet civilisation called Friendster. You can imagine how the owners of MySpace, Facebook and (still revenue-less) Twitter might not find this as funny as the rest of us.

Disconnect online to reconnect in life

With technology making it easier to connect with one another through social media, the general impression is that we are all coming closer together. However, as Nigel Malone heads off on his first holiday in four years, he considers whether perhaps the reverse is happening -- that our increased social networking capabilities make it harder to leave work behind.

How to save MySpace

With a simple change in policy and little additional investment, MySpace would no longer be the place where people simply try and get famous enough to make it to TV or newspapers. It could become the destination. Mark Cameron thinks he knows how to save MySpace from terminal decline.

Unleash chaos as a social media butterfly

To succeed in social media, you need to stop worrying and learn to love chaos, writes Annie Robinson.

MySpace halts traffic slide by launching MySpace Graveyard [collegehumor.com]

In the social network popularity stakes, MySpace is having its tail handed to it by Facebook. But CollegeHumor.com thinks it has the answer to how MySpace can turn the situation to its advantage - a social network for users abandoning MySpace.
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New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...