Tag: multitasking
Young Australians are ‘culling’ friends, rebelling against ‘multitasking’ and defying the need to be...
Young Australians may not be disowning their mobiles or leaving Facebook in droves, but they are learning how to keep social technology in check, as a report on youth marketing suggests. The study reveals a snapshot of the four million Australians between the ages of 16 and 30 as a tech-savvy, consumerist-minded generation with a mighty purchasing power.
Playbook toys with Apple’s onions
When the Apple iPad came out, I think I speak for most folks when I said, “Ooo, another premature Apple release!” (with emphasis on that initial bleat). This is because Apple, in my opinion, tends to push its products on us a little too early. Hence Blackberry’s confident stride into the same as yet tentatively-described ether; the Blackberry Playbook.
Perfection on the internet is a fallacy. Just accept it.
Six weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he shares the hard truth about one of the most common misunderstandings between techies and their clients: Perfection doesn't exist on the web.
My wireless network is naff. Why wired networks are still more reliable.
Five weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he unmasks some of the preconceptions behind wireless networks and multitasking.