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The Great Recovery and soaring dollar create headaches and opportunities for Australian companies

It is generally thought that a soaring Aussie dollar is terrible for exporters. However, as Austrade's Chief Economist Tim Harcourt reveals, there are two sides to every coin.

Robert Castaneda, 2009 Anthill 30under30 Winner

When the global recession hit, Robert Castaneda packed his bags and moved his family to California. To him, the financial crisis was a perfect opportunity to launch a USA office for his company, CustomWare, a business integration and collaboration services firm.

Sammartino and Liubinskas discuss startup momentum

A couple of weeks ago Pollenizer's Mick Liubinskas put in a video call to Rentoid's Steve Sammartino to pick his brain about the concept of startup momentum. Fortunately, Mick recorded it for the benefit of us all. Watch Steve discuss his views on the important role iteration plays in emerging businesses.

Google on Google – The story so far…

Every company should be able to tell its own story in a compelling way. Of course, it helps if that story is compelling to begin with. Check out this slick animated history of Google... according to Google.

Crowdsourcing crisis: Should ‘Idea Bounty’ be renamed ‘Discount Idea Store’?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Here at Anthill, we've taken a particular interest in the evolving concept of crowdsourcing, and specifically the growing practice of companies sourcing creative ideas and designs from the crowd online. Crowdsourcing is a bone of contention in the Anthill community. For yet another view, here we publish the thoughts of Paul Cornwell, Partner at creative agency BCM Partnership, on Unilever's recent use of crowdsourcing website Idea Bounty to source creative ideas for its Peperami brand.

Crowdsourcing crisis: Should 'Idea Bounty' be renamed 'Discount Idea Store'?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Here at Anthill, we've taken a particular interest in the evolving concept of crowdsourcing, and specifically the growing practice of companies sourcing creative ideas and designs from the crowd online. Crowdsourcing is a bone of contention in the Anthill community. For yet another view, here we publish the thoughts of Paul Cornwell, Partner at creative agency BCM Partnership, on Unilever's recent use of crowdsourcing website Idea Bounty to source creative ideas for its Peperami brand.

Why I think our latest online marketing ‘experiment’ is not working

I offered to provide updates on what has ‘worked’ (and what hasn’t) in terms of technology, marketing fundamentals and, most importantly, the campaign's viral effectiveness (i.e. it's ability to self-perpetuate). So, what viral benefits has this item of social media marketing achieved so far? Hmmm... well... without beating around the bush... the simple answer is... Almost none.

Why I think our latest online marketing 'experiment' is not working

I offered to provide updates on what has ‘worked’ (and what hasn’t) in terms of technology, marketing fundamentals and, most importantly, the campaign's viral effectiveness (i.e. it's ability to self-perpetuate). So, what viral benefits has this item of social media marketing achieved so far? Hmmm... well... without beating around the bush... the simple answer is... Almost none.

Is speed killing our communication skills?

Why do we think that fast is better and why do we so often mistake speed for efficiency in the workplace? John Freeman, author of 'Shrinking the World', thinks it's all a bit wrong-headed. Persephone Nicholas reports.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: Dealing with rejection

Oodles.com founder Steve Sherlock has set himself the goal of raising a multimillion dollar Series A funding round by the end of January 2010. He is documenting his trials and tribulations and seeking feedback from readers on AnthillOnline.com. This is the third post in his series.

Australian retail websites lack sizzle, lose customers to more polished overseas sites

Frustrated Australian consumers are voting with their mice, with huge numbers choosing to spend their hard-earned cash on overseas retail websites that give them a far more enjoyable shopping experience. Last year, 43 percent of Australia's total online spend went overseas. No wonder brands based in the UK and US dominate the top 10 retail sites visited by Australian shoppers.

5 reasons I hate logos

Okay, maybe that's a tad on the dramatic side. What I hate is this faffing around with logos as an excuse for not doing other, real, important stuff with your business.

Windows 7 – who gives a $#%&!?

This has to be one of the most anticipated yet underwhelming launches in Microsoft's history. Apparently, we were supposed to be so excited about the launch that we would host a party in honour of it! Come on, MS. Really. Generally speaking, I like your stuff. But am I going to throw a party in honour of it? Not unless you're paying for the booze.

Windows 7 – who gives a $#%&!?

This has to be one of the most anticipated yet underwhelming launches in Microsoft's history. Apparently, we were supposed to be so excited about the launch that we would host a party in honour of it! Come on, MS. Really. Generally speaking, I like your stuff. But am I going to throw a party in honour of it? Not unless you're paying for the booze.

Opportunities in the US for high growth Australian firms

The US remains the largest developed market in the world and a big influence on other global markets. It remains important for any company with global ambitions. The current economic environment does not do a lot to encourage Australian firms to focus on the US. However, innovative new models and technology have dramatically changed the cost of entering and developing the US market. Australian firms can now do much of the early market development work without having to hire a US-based team.

Drowning in high-fives, star ratings used online could soon go under

Online star rating systems are a great idea in principle, but unfortunately, they don't work. And no, not because of all the know-nothing trolls out there who saturate these ratings channels with their narcissistic critiques. The problem is that, when it comes to rating products online, the crowd is too nice.

I survived the GFC by ignoring it

When I started my business I knew it had to grow from a foundation of personal contact and referrals. To do this people said I had to network. This scared the crap out of me.

Fake it til you make it: 10 ways to make your business appear bigger...

Being perceived as professional by outsiders is a common challenge for small businesses. Many startups reach a stage where meeting clients in cafes no longer cuts it. Here are 10 simple ways that your company can make itself look bigger it is.

Who else is fed up with Freeple ("Free Stuff People")?

If you're going to give something away, you need to know what the value of it is and what your ROI is. Too many people are caught up in this 'giving stuff away for free and hoping money happens later' thing. I'm guessing that's because they're afraid of selling.

Who else is fed up with Freeple (“Free Stuff People”)?

If you're going to give something away, you need to know what the value of it is and what your ROI is. Too many people are caught up in this 'giving stuff away for free and hoping money happens later' thing. I'm guessing that's because they're afraid of selling.
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Strategic Alliances with Simone Novello [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you heard the often touted claim that the average lifespan of a business is two years? Have you ever wondered why that is? Often, it’s because, in the rush and intensity of starting up, business owners get caught up in day-to-day op-erations and overlook fast growth opportunities, like strategic partnerships. In this FREE INFOGRAPHIC, Simone Novello helps to answer your three most common questions about how to harness the power of... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.


How to build a retail empire with James Webber [FREE REPORT]

Starting any new business is hard, but starting an online retail business is particularly hard. You see, this is one industry that combines technology, logistics and, of course, marketing – it’s a juggling act. To help us crack this hard nut, we sought the wisdom James Webber, CEO at Bookworld.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...