Tag: Market Research
Do you want to make money off your ideas? Here are three key questions...
The idea is always the easy part and from my point of view as a designer, creating the product is also an easy part in the equation. Some projects may pose technical challenges, however with research, design and development these can be overcome.
Why focus groups don’t work [VIDEO]
In short, it can be summarised that your brain is out to get you.
No, really. Mostly, you won't even realise it but, your brain...
Is this crowd sourcing market research tool going to change how we research what...
Launched in Melbourne last December, Australia’s first crowd-sourced brand research platform AnswerCrowd has taken crowd sourcing to the next level by connecting people with...
What every entrepreneur can learn from someone vacuuming a duck [VIDEO]
It has been said to me that I can turn any video into something relevant to business and entrepreneurship. I like to think of...
Do you have perfect timing? The success of your business may just depend on...
Good timing can turn a mediocre product into a breakout success; bad timing can destroy an otherwise successful career.
In business, timing is everything....
You can market research anything, including song lyrics [VIDEO]
When the organisers of Red Nose Day in New Zealand realised they didn't have a charity song for 2012, who did they call? Eventually,...
Qumpit: online queuing, with benefits
Some things in life need to be spelled out very simply before they have any impact. Like learning how to say the name of new business ‘Qumpit,’ a digital startup that aims to provide a physical queuing experience online.
The seven deadly sins of decision making. Which are you guilty of committing?
We know that companies which place a greater emphasis on information content in their business decisions will be those that face fewer surprises. And we all know that surprises in business are rarely a good thing. Some years ago, a colleague of mine identified the following 'seven deadly sins' of business decision-making. I'm sure that many will be familiar. Which are you guilty of committing?
How to create the perfect TED Talk
Be it persuasive, ingenius, fascinating, inspiring or jaw-dropping, there's no denying the riveting value of TED Talks -- and it's no secret that the Anthill crew are fans. Well, have you ever thought of what it would be like to deliver the perfect, audience grabbing talk? Here's how it's done.
Five little known ways to successfully promote an event
Promoting an event or workshop is vastly different from raising the profile of a business and thus requires a completely different strategy. Rhondalynn Korolak shares her Top 5 Tips to making your next event an overwhelming success.
Saving the world with behavioural economics
A recent study revealed that adding personalised smiley or unhappy face icons on people’s energy bills had a dramatic effect on their future consumption. Could something this simple -- playing on bourgeois guilt -- help reverse climate change?
What going home with a hooker taught me about my business
These nuggets of wisdom shared by a brothel worker are more useful than most pieces of business advice you’ll read in a book.
Newsflash: Twitter is just like real life
Rightly or wrongly, we hold sports stars, politicians and other prominent figures to a high standard of behaviour because they enjoy a position of influence and leadership. So, if social media is in fact considered part of the media, then should we hold leaders in the 'social' media to the same high standards of behaviour?
Could SME business owners soon become the new media barons?
After reading Matthew De Silva's post yesteday on last month’s Media 2010 conference, I spent the evening thinking about the challenges facing old media. As I pondered, I was struck by a radical (yet logical) series of thoughts, leading to the following question. Could small business owners soon become the new media barons? Let me explain.
Are you a regurgitated version of your competitors? (Plus YouTube & 145,000 views)
Yes, yes I hear you… you’re adamant that your business model is different. But is it really? Take a moment now to jump online and Google the products and services you sell. Does your offering still feel so unique, or is it starting to look suspiciously similar to others in the marketplace?
Are you a regurgitated version of your competitors? (Plus YouTube & 145,000 views)
Yes, yes I hear you… you’re adamant that your business model is different. But is it really? Take a moment now to jump online and Google the products and services you sell. Does your offering still feel so unique, or is it starting to look suspiciously similar to others in the marketplace?
Segmentation and the fallacy of social media
Perhaps the biggest misconception about social media is that it creates market segments from nothing.
How to get free marketing
It’s what we all want, and (although unlikely) if it’s not what we want, then our company’s balance sheets could certainly benefit from it – marketing for free.
The 10 best strategic business slides of all time: #9 — Integrated Communication
In the ninth post in this series, Nigel Malone shares the contents of another of his favourite business keynote slides, drawn from a cross-section of sources that includes some of the great business, brand and military planners of all time.
The 10 best strategic business slides of all time: #8 — The Sales Funnel
Anyone in sales will tell you it’s a process -- and they are dead right. But what is that process? Enter the Sales Funnel, another of my favourite slides.