Tag: Macquarie Graduate School of Management
Soup stirs the Facebook pot to discover word-of-mouth nuggets
What’s word of mouth got to do with Facebook? Plenty, says Soup, an advocacy marketing agency distinguished by its extraordinary faith in word-of-mouth campaigns. The Sydney firm’s experimental Soup Lab has developed what it claims is a “world-first” Facebook app of its kind and embarked on a research project with Dr. Lars Groeger, a marketing lecturer at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, to measure the reach and value of “branded conversations.”
Facebook app to measure offline conversations
Macquarie Graduate School of Management’s (MGSM) Dr Lars Groeger, lecturer in Management, has joined forces with Australia’s leading word-of-mouth marketing company, Soup, to develop a custom-built Facebook survey app that taps into the social network’s data and maps the flow of offline conversations.Macquarie Graduate School of Management’s (MGSM) Dr Lars Groeger, lecturer in Management, has joined forces with Australia’s leading word-of-mouth marketing company, Soup, to develop a custom-built Facebook survey app that taps into the social network’s data and maps the flow of offline conversations.