Tag: lead generation
Keep these 5 SME marketing trends for 2017 in mind to stay ahead of...
Understanding and implementing current marketing trends is crucial to success, as it allows business owners to stay at the top of their respective industry and ensures objectives are achieved.
How to get your start-up through the first business year without suffering a debt...
The most important prerequisite for a newly founded business to take off successfully is ensuring that they always have enough assets for their everyday obligations.
Do you have what it takes to be a Super Connector? [WORKSHOP EVENT]
super connector (noun) | people who maintain contact with thousands of people in many different worlds and know them well enough to give them a call.They are widely respected as an authority in their field and are masters of word-of-mouth. They do not seek new connections, leads and business. Opportunities finds them.
So, you have 300 contacts on LinkedIn. Well, I’m not impressed.
I was at an event the other day when I met a very smart, respected, and likeable business owner, named Ron. We got to discussing LinkedIn, and I asked him how many connections he had. He mentioned he had around 300, and then went on to proudly proclaim that he knew “all of them personally, save three or four”. That's great for taking care of your existing customers, I thought, but what about attracting new ones?
Is it rude to use Facebook as a lead generation tool?
I have lost count of the number of times my friends, colleagues, and business partners have made the statement, “Facebook is personal. It is not for B2B! Try LinkedIn.” I understand their sentiment. Since its inception, Facebook has always been an intimate space reserved for friends and family, or very close professional associates. But it doesn't have to be that way.