Tag: Ian Pollari
Australian fintechs represented in Fintech 100: 7 companies named among the world’s leading fintechs
Australian fintech companies made a strong showing in the 2019 Fintech 100, announced recently by Fintech Innovators, a collaboration between fintech investment firm H2 Ventures and KPMG Fintech.
These 8 Australian companies have been named on the 2016 Fintech 100 list of...
The annual list includes three Australian companies, Prospa, Tyro and Society One, among the leading 50 Established fintech companies across the globe, as well as five entrants in the most intriguing 50 ‘Emerging Stars’
KPMG has chosen these 14 fintech start-ups for its new accelerator to help bring...
KPMG Australia recently announced the launch of mLabs, a market-first corporate fintech accelerator connecting forward-thinking mutual Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) with some of Australia’s most exciting fintech startups.
7 Australian fintech start-ups have been named among the world’s 50 emerging stars on...
7 Aussie fintechs are on the Fintech 100 list published by Fintech Innovators, a collaboration between fintech investors H2 Ventures and KPMG Fintech
Fintech 100 is looking for the next generation of global fintech innovators
Nominations are open for inclusion in the ‘Fintech 100’ list, which will recognise leading fintech innovators from around the world