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Tag: Growing Pains

Is your business caught in the growth trap? How to fix business growing pains

There are a whole lot of businesses being started every single day across Australia. Most make it to revenue, many make good revenue, but...

Entrepreneurs: Stop and spare a thought for your oft-overlooked loved ones this Valentine’s Day

Most entrepreneurs, while surrounded with people, walk a lonely road.However, this Valentine’s Day, spare a thought for the wifes/husbands/girlfriends/boyfriends of entrepreneurs, who oftenlive with even greater degrees of isolation and uncertainly than their partners.

Global Growth by Design

Want to break into Europe? Doing business in China? Is the USA your next stop?

Are business consultants a bunch of frauds?

Earlier this week one of my clients exposed to me that she felt like a fraud as a business consultant. She can’t be the only one. Right?! If you’ve never felt like a fraud then don’t even bother reading the rest of this article.

The delicate subject of business owners’ salaries

When business partners launch a new company, all of their attention and energy goes into getting the new venture on its feet. However, it’s not long before questions and difficulties arise over disparate workloads, responsibilities and remuneration. Darren Bourke offers some advice on how to keep all parties walking in the same direction.

To give up or go on: Is it time to call it quits?

Eight years ago I found myself on the floor in tears. My father had just passed away, my business was failing and my love life sucked. I was at a cross roads in my life and didn’t know which way to turn. As it turned out, there was only one real option.

‘Bean-talk’ — a golden egg for small business

Running a small business inevitably means becoming a jack of all trades, most notably of which is ‘doing the books’. This in turn requires getting to grips with tricky accounting packages, an understanding of spreadsheets and becoming conversant with accounting jargon. The result is waving goodbye to your evenings, weekends and regular sleep.

2016 ‘millennium’ glitch delivers text messages from the future

We'd barely concluded our 2009 Dumb Report rankings earlier this week when the Twittersphere lit up with reports that a "sizeable" number of Bank of Queensland and BankWest ATM and eftpos machines had malfunctioned due to an internal glitch of 'millenium' proportions.

2016 'millennium' glitch delivers text messages from the future

We'd barely concluded our 2009 Dumb Report rankings earlier this week when the Twittersphere lit up with reports that a "sizeable" number of Bank of Queensland and BankWest ATM and eftpos machines had malfunctioned due to an internal glitch of 'millenium' proportions.

Your votes are in. So what was Australia’s dumbest business decision for 2009?

Clearly, iSnack 2.0 and Westpac's banana smoothies left a strange taste in your mouth, while Mars and the Liberal Party delivered a wrong'un with their spin. Readers who don't take the world too seriously agreed with our pre-emptive request (to not take the report too seriously), while Virgin's black email generated enough annoyance to equal the sinking of Storm. Jackson Jive shimmied in to score your number eight vote, while the social media attempts of the big brands to attract your clicks failed to inspire you (once again). The Myer float scored the least votes at number 10 (perhaps due to the number of people who now own their own special parcel of this prestigious accolade).

Your votes are in. So what was Australia's dumbest business decision for 2009?

Clearly, iSnack 2.0 and Westpac's banana smoothies left a strange taste in your mouth, while Mars and the Liberal Party delivered a wrong'un with their spin. Readers who don't take the world too seriously agreed with our pre-emptive request (to not take the report too seriously), while Virgin's black email generated enough annoyance to equal the sinking of Storm. Jackson Jive shimmied in to score your number eight vote, while the social media attempts of the big brands to attract your clicks failed to inspire you (once again). The Myer float scored the least votes at number 10 (perhaps due to the number of people who now own their own special parcel of this prestigious accolade).

Are you seeking venture capital for 2010?

During this two hour seminar and networking event, attendees will learn from five of Australia’s leading experts on venture capital and business development - real investors, currently seeking investment opportunities, and successful entrepreneurs, who have ‘been there’ and secured private funding for their growing companies.

The 10 Dumbest Business Moments for 2009. It’s time to vote!

Two weeks ago, we asked our readers to help us assemble our annual Dumb Report, a selection of Australian goofs, gaffs and groaners from...

The 10 Dumbest Business Moments for 2009. It's time to vote!

Two weeks ago, we asked our readers to help us assemble our annual Dumb Report, a selection of Australian goofs, gaffs and groaners from...

In 2009, were you a proactive, experimental future leader or a reactive, butt-covering also-ran?

If there is one good thing that came from this year's commercial carnage, it's the liberating affect the economic downturn had on our collective ability, as entrepreneurs, to speak openly.

Vision and Focus, the Capulet and Montague of business strategy

Some quick thoughts on one of the hardest things to do as an entrepreneur (or intrapreneur) -- holding both a big vision and a brutal focus in your mind at the same time. They sound like contradictions and in many ways they are the endlessly feuding families of a new venture. You need to make them happy neighbours though.

GoodBarry’s Bardia Housman shares his tips after selling to Adobe

Bardia Housman is an Australian entrepreneur who recently completed his second successful exit, selling Business Catalyst (makers of e-commerce software suite GoodBarry) to Adobe Systems. Australian specialist recruitment and M&A outfit MitchellLake captured this candid interview at the South Food+Wine Bar in San Francisco last month.

GoodBarry's Bardia Housman shares his tips after selling to Adobe

Bardia Housman is an Australian entrepreneur who recently completed his second successful exit, selling Business Catalyst (makers of e-commerce software suite GoodBarry) to Adobe Systems. Australian specialist recruitment and M&A outfit MitchellLake captured this candid interview at the South Food+Wine Bar in San Francisco last month.

The Great Recovery and soaring dollar create headaches and opportunities for Australian companies

It is generally thought that a soaring Aussie dollar is terrible for exporters. However, as Austrade's Chief Economist Tim Harcourt reveals, there are two sides to every coin.

Commercialisation Australia and the Valley of Death

Firstly, let's clear up some confusion. Commercialisation Australia is not going to pay for your marketing campaign, help you with advertising or fund you to break into your desired market. CA will help you up to the point that you are ready to go commercial. That is, it will help with pre-commercialisation.
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Three easy wins when using LinkedIn with David Hobson [FREE REPORT]

"If you’re pressed for time, I'm here to help." In this report, David Hobson will show you three quick wins - things you can do to pimp out your LinkedIn profile in 15 minutes or less.


Strategic Alliances with Simone Novello [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you heard the often touted claim that the average lifespan of a business is two years? Have you ever wondered why that is? Often, it’s because, in the rush and intensity of starting up, business owners get caught up in day-to-day op-erations and overlook fast growth opportunities, like strategic partnerships. In this FREE INFOGRAPHIC, Simone Novello helps to answer your three most common questions about how to harness the power of... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...