Tag: giam swiegers
Digital disruption: 50% of Aussie economy on short fuse, 2/3rds face big bang
Digital disruption continues its inexorable march in many newer ways, and in many cases might even be gaining further pace. That, as much as the fact that most research has ducked estimating the “projected magnitude of disruption,” has led Deloitte to come up with a sweeping study (“Digital disruption – Short fuse, big bang?) of digital disruption on the Australian economy as a whole, not to mention individual sectors
Why companies should never waste a good crisis: An Interview with Deloitte Chief Giam...
This podcast features an interview full of insights from Giam Swiegers, CEO of Deloitte Australia. Advising that a company should always seek opportunity in times of crisis, Swiegers has stayed true to form: Deloitte continues to take on new staff and maintain an aggressive acquisitions strategy. Swiegers also talks about innovative people and his firm's welcoming of social media as a tool to increase accountability.