Thanks for signing up to ‘The 10 Essential Tools of Online Marketing’ eSeries.
Over the next 10 weeks, I will be sending you 10 emails, each revealing one (or several) of the tools that we use at Anthill to build our online community and grow our own business.
And who am I? You can read about James Tuckerman (the man, the myth, the legend) by clicking here.
But, before we begin, be warned…
During this eSeries, I intend to exploit you.
That’s my first promise. Yes, during this eSeries, I intend to exploit you.
To make the lesson that much more compelling, I am going to teach by using these tools. I will drag you through a sales funnel and I may even successfully sell you things. Indeed, this is the first lesson of online marketing (all marketing, in fact).
Every campaign needs a clear goal.
And, in most cases, this first goal is to sell more stuff (hopefully more often, to more people).
You may opt-out at any time. But I hope you won’t. Because…
During this eSeries, you will also learn by doing.
That’s my second promise. During this eSeries, I will be constantly prompting you to take action. However, I’m sure you won’t mind.
You won’t mind that I’m teaching you (of course). You won’t mind that I’m forcing you to take action. And, hopefully, you won’t even mind if you notice my not-so-subtle attempts to ‘exploit’ you.
This is because, while this email series is free, nothing for free is ever truly valued. And while you may never succumb to any of my efforts to empty your wallet, time is money, right?
By forcing you to take action and dedicate time to this series, I hope that you will value its content that much more. (Involvement begets commitment.)
So, are you ready? Because…
The lesson begins… now! (Seriously.)
One of the most important tools in any online marketing campaign is the ‘success’ page.
I’m talking about a page just like this (the one you’re reading).
It’s a page used to confirm an action or a purpose. For example, you just signed up for this eSeries and this page confirms it. (Success! Thank you for signing up to this eSeries!)
Why is this page important? Because it allows its owner to:
- Track the success of the campaign
- Sell more stuff!
Let’s look at the second of these advantages. (The first advantage, I’ll deal with later.)
1. Using the success page to sell more stuff!
There’s a reason why the staff at McDonalds ask, “Would you like fries with that?”
And it’s not to drive you batty.
It’s because they know that you are already hungry for what they have to offer and that you’re in a frame of mind conducive to making additional purchases.
I often test (with the manic glee of a mad scientist) the number of times that I can trigger an additional transaction after the first transaction by… wait for for… simply asking.
During this email series, you will see me do this frequently. (The exploitation begins!) I will use the completion of one step to invite you to take another step, and hopefully have you eventually dancing to a merry jig of my own devious creation.
(Whahahahaaaaaaa… *splutter*)
So, while you are already here…
Would you like a free 238-page eBook, valued at $19.95, for free?
This eBook is aimed at those entrepreneurs who have high growth potential ventures and seek to raise finance to assist them to develop their business:
“To secure the finance, the entrepreneur will have to demonstrate that their business is capable of achieving a premium on exit, usually through a strategic sale.”
This book provides a checklist for the entrepreneurs wanting to raise angle or venture finance.
This eBook provides 238 pages of real-world, thought provoking advice. It’s normally $19.95.
But, today, it’s free for fans of our Facebook group. Click here to become a fan.
That’s my upsell message for today folks. I’m not asking, “Would you like fries with that?” But I am am offering you something of ‘high perceived value to my target audience’. (Remember that expression.) What’s the cost? Your friendship on Facebook. Click here to become our friend.
2. Tracking the success of your campaign
What about the other main advantage of the ‘success page’?
Well, every campaign requires goals. These might include one or more of the following:
- Web Traffic / Visitors
- Email Sign-ups
- eBook Downloads
- Voucher / Coupon Downloads
- Completed Surveys
- Information Requests
And don’t forget:
- Sales! (Cha-ching!)
Most measurable goals take the form of a transaction. And most online transactions conclude with a ‘confirmation’ or ‘success’ page.
For this reason, savvy internet marketers often use this page to track the success of their campaigns, by simply measuring the number of visits to pages just like this.
Why? Because people rarely, if ever, visit a success page unless they have just completed a transaction — simply because they are not supposed to.
So, do any of your transactions conclude with a ‘success page’? If so, how are you using it? More importantly, how are you measuring it?
This will be the focus of our second installment. (Coming soon to an inbox near you!)
TOOL #1: The Success Page
In summary, your success page is very, very important.
It will help you ‘upsell’. It will also help you measure the effectiveness of your online marketing. (It will even help you manage ‘affiliate’ sales. But that’s an advanced topic for later in this eSeries.)
This was the first article in the 10-part eSeries. Check your inbox for future installments. And don’t forget to become our friend on Facebook.