In order to stay competitive in today’s market, one must fully take advantage of all the available tools and tactics available to their business. This is not hard to execute at present time, since the advent of new technological devices and platforms has opened up a lot of new possibilities, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. There are the social media, e-commerce, video marketing, and smartphones, and to top it all, the search engines.
Using the search engines for business purposes is no longer new in the industry. For more than two decades, a lot of companies have already found their success by maintaining high positions on search engine results pages (SERPS). Search engine optimization, or more commonly known as SEO, is the practice of making a website grow visibility in organic search engine results.
Aside from being virtually free of cost, SEO is also the most effective way to drive highly targeted organic traffic that has a high probability of turning into loyal customers of the brand. And when paired with other digital marketing tactics such as social media and content marketing, SEO can be the strongest weapon that can catapult a business to its success, both online and offline.
Check out the infographic below from Harris Myers Business Development.