It’s a good question, right? It’s Friday morning and maybe you’re tired right now?
We hear of great leaders, Churchill among them, who only have four hours sleep a night.
You’ve probably said it yourself, “there aren’t enough hours in the day to do what you want to get done”.
So, how does an entrepreneur make sure they have the time and energy they need to create their business and remain healthy?
In this video from INC, retired General of the U.S. Army, Stanley McChrystal explains how he created the ultimate routine that work for him to be a great leader.
He ate one meal a day, albeit a large one. In his words, he would eat what was within arms reach until he fell asleep. Why? Because if he ate more than one meal, he felt sluggish. So, he created a routine that worked for him.
He explains how everyone need to create a personal routine that works for them to ensure they are great leaders, great thinkers and, great entrepreneurs.
(Image source: Bigstock)
How to stay fit and healthy as an entrepreneur