Thanks to everyone who emailed, posted comments on this blog and volunteered to participate in Anthill’s imminent ‘flash’ protest against the federal government’s axing of the Commercial Ready programmes. Your response was, quite simply, overwhelming. (Literally. It melted this blog for a few hours.)
A clear and vocal majority of you obviously share our dismay regarding the abolition of one of the government’s most effective initiatives supporting start-ups in Australia. Plans for appropriate Anthillian activism are in development, but have been delayed briefly due to the hospitalisation of Anthill founder/publisher James Tuckerman for back surgery (perhaps brought on by his recent bouts of revolutionary fervour). James went under the knife at 2pm yesterday afternoon. The operation was a complete success and he’ll be back in the trenches before you can say “people power”.
So sit tight, comrades. Action is at hand. James will return (with even more spine) ready and raring to defend the interests of innovative Aussie start-ups.
If you’d like to pass on your best wishes for James during his convalescence, please leave a comment below. And if you want to help save Commercial Ready (or have it replaced by an even better programme), there’s still time to do your bit and get involved.
Paul Ryan
Anthill Magazine