Home ANTHILL TV Aussie outfit Hello Fresco: ‘the only tees you’ll ever need’. Plus, 30%...

Aussie outfit Hello Fresco: ‘the only tees you’ll ever need’. Plus, 30% off for Anthillians. Booyah!


Way back in August ’11, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, we profiled Aussie tee company Hello Fresco.

Hello Fresco is all about simplifying your sartorial choices. Each month two new tee designs are released. Buy them, don’t buy them – whatevs.

Hello Fresco founder Jono Chatterton launched the biz to “support me and my global wanderings.”

In a similarly laissez faire approach, Chatterton reckons business plans are for losers.

“Business plans tend to take up a great deal of time and, as things change greatly from project commencement to finish, I opted not to bother.”

To celebrate the release of Hello Fresco’s brand-spanking video, Chatterton’s offering Anthillians a whopping 30% off your next purchase. Simply enter the secret password, ANTHILLERS, at HelloFresco.com.

The only tees you’ll ever need…