Australia is a remarkably different place for entrepreneurs in 2010 than it was when Anthill was first launched in 2003.
In fact, in 2003, Anthill appeared in a climate that could almost be described as anti-entrepreneurship.
The tech-wreck was still hurting Australian hip-pockets (of course, entrepreneurs and not speculative investors were held to blame), Anthill’s launch edition critiqued Australia’s innovation policy as its cover story (the conclusions weren’t positive) and the ‘e’ word was still largely being associated with several spectacular corporate falls from grace in the 1990s. (Remember Christopher Skase? Alan Bond?)
This month, in extreme contrast to the harsh winters of yesteryear, Australian startup entrepreneurs could almost be described as ‘spoilt for choice’. In fact, my inbox is currently brimming with initiatives designed to promote and support entrepreneurship, seeking Anthill’s support.
While I would dearly like to help promote each and every one of these initiatives, there are only so many hours in my day. And we have our own awards and events to get on with.
As such, I have highlighted three of the most interesting below. If you know of any others, please take full advantage of the comment box.
1. Innovation Bay is seeking investors to pitch.
Innovation Bay holds regular angel dinners, which bring together up to 40 active investors from the technology arena.
The organisers are very selective about who they invite from the investment community to ensure pitching entrepreneurs are not subjected to an audience of ‘tyre-kickers’. (You know the type. They walk around the car kicking the tyres but never pull out the cheque book.) Importantly, many of the investors are entrepreneurs themselves, rather than money managers.
In its brief history, Innovation Bay has help Australian startups raise over $5 million in seed capital, ranging in investment size from $100,000 to $500,000.
The event is now seeking 90 second video ‘pitches’ — auditions, so to speak, for its next dinner. Videos should be submitted via email to Innovation Bay ([email protected]) as soon as possible.
2. X|Media|Lab ‘Global Media Ideas’ Lab is also seeking applications
X | Media | Lab (pronounced ‘Cross Media Lab’) is an Australian-grown global initiative that brings outstanding, international business minds and pairs these thought leaders with 16 local startups.
The event is broken into two parts:
- The Conference Day on 18th June (General Admission) for which just 300 places are available; and then,
- The Lab itself (19th – 20th June), during which selected digital media businesses and project teams work one-on-one with these international mentors.
The conference is about $200 to attend. But the Lab is free to 16 conference attendees (or teams) who have nominated their businesses and been selected by the event organisers to participate. Anthill is a Media Partner (i.e. media sponsor) of this event. So, we look forward to bringing you podcasts, videos and interviews live from the event and in the lead-up.
3. A little something we’re knocking up ourselves
We’re quietly preparing something on the side with the working title ‘Pitch TV’ or ‘antPITCH’. In essence, this initiative will be a moderated video site, specifically for the purpose of uploading entrepreneurial ‘pitches’. The goal for participators will be three fold:
- Get exposure
- Get practice
- Get capital
Anthill has one of the largest online business audiences in Australia. We also believe that the best lessons are learnt by doing. We also know that investors and other influencers read Anthill. Hence, these three goals.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, you can start uploading content now. We’ll give you a shout when it’s ready.
And, of course, don’t forget to check out our Young Entrepreneur Night Out events taking place in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane in the not too distant future.