Tag: trojan
11-year-old develops Trojan to steal game login information. Someone is so grounded!
In today’s world which is flooded with laptops, tablets and smartphones, kids become digitally fluent far earlier than previous generations. Now, AVG has found evidence that pre-teens are writing malware designed to steal login details from online gamers, both young and old.
Five lessons learnt during THE (OK, my) Great Computer Server Meltdown of 2012
If it has ever happened to you, you know what it feels like. Last week our computer network was hacked with a Trojan. Chaos ensued. We had firewalls and anti-virus scanners running and these things still managed to get through. While you can never plan perfectly for a crisis, here are some of the big points that we’ve learnt and may very well be helpful for you and your business. Learn at my expense, rather than at yours.
Cisco says cybercriminals are shifting to mobile platforms, and spam volumes are down (for...
In a major turning point in cybercrime, scammers have begun to shift their focus from Windows-based PCs to smaller operating systems and platforms, such as smart phones and tablets, according to Cisco's annual security report. Plus, spam volumes are down, for the first year ever!