Tag: Tessa Court
Aussie tech start-up goes to Hollywood: Melbourne-based IntelligenceBank has opened a Los Angeles office
IntelligenceBank, a business process software company based in Mebourne, recently announced the launch of its new office in Los Angeles.
2015 is the year of the DAM. And you’d better know what DAM means
In the business world, 2014 was the year of buzzwords like ‘Content Marketing,’ ‘engagement’ and ‘mobile friendly’.
This year, Digital Asset Management (DAM) Platforms...
IntelligenceBank rolls out enterprise apps for the cloud
IntelligenceBank, a software start-up that helps enterprises move to the cloud, has opened its online store, delivering on a $2 million funding round last November to build a compelling online sales channel.
IntelligenceBank taps $2 million round, plans online channels in bid to scale
IntelligenceBank, a four-year-old startup that helps enterprises aggregate company-wide data in a central cloud in easy-to-access fashion, has closed a $2 million funding round...