Tag: research
Private and professional lives…is there still a difference?
Are your colleagues your close pals? Do you comment and ‘like’ each others' Facebook photos without reservation?
If you do, it seems you’re not the...
Why focus groups don’t work [VIDEO]
In short, it can be summarised that your brain is out to get you.
No, really. Mostly, you won't even realise it but, your brain...
Unmanned drones delivering parcels to your door (It’s just around the corner. Really)[VIDEO]
Flirtey is one of the world's first unmanned aerial vehicle delivery companies. Based out of Sydney but now relocating to Reno following a strategic...
New report shows that small biz brings the rock!
We all know that small business is important to the overall economy of Australia, and a new figures show that the sector has seen remarkable growth in the two years since the height of the global financial crisis. According to the Minister for Small Business Brendan O’Connor, as well as the recent Australian Small Business: Key Statistics and Analysis report, 260,000 new small biz jobs have been generated over the past couple of years, nationwide.
Using research to predict the future in three easy steps (Lessons from AMSRS conference...
There I was, seeking new ways to predict the future at the AMSRS conference 2012. It was full of people who spend their existence...
How new research is helping businesses harness the power of creativity
Researchers at Manchester Business School have now found a way to de-mystify creativity. Their goal is to make creativity in business more than just a catch phrase, or pipe-dream, but an applicable and achievable reality.
The seven deadly sins of decision making. Which are you guilty of committing?
We know that companies which place a greater emphasis on information content in their business decisions will be those that face fewer surprises. And we all know that surprises in business are rarely a good thing. Some years ago, a colleague of mine identified the following 'seven deadly sins' of business decision-making. I'm sure that many will be familiar. Which are you guilty of committing?
Why can’t we walk in a straight line? It must be Beer O’Clock [VIDEO]
Because it's Beer O'Clock, here's a challenge to wind up the week. Go to the parking lot, put a blindfold on a brave volunteer and tell her or him to walk in a straight line. Your co-worker will fail, laughably. This might even explain why even the most perfect business plan can't prevent a company from veering hither and yon, instead of laser-beaming its way to entrepreneurial Shangri-La. We're just not wired to stick to an unwavering path.
Report shows that 65% of Australian businesses don’t have a website [and are falling...
MYOB Business Monitor latest research reveals that 65% of Australia businesses don't have a website, while more and more Australians are buying online. This means that Australian businesses risk losing a big share of the market to global competitors like Amazon.
The solution to global warning: Grow more plankton?
In a research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, a team of Australian, New Zealand and Belgian scientists explain how plankton could offer a solution to global warming.
Future Fellowship research grants try to stem Australia’s brain drain
The government's Future Fellowships program hands out money to researchers at the midpoint of their careers. In other words, Canberra is trying its darnedest to put a plug in Australia's brain drain.
$43 million earth sciences collaboration gets under Australia’s skin
The government has pumped $43 million into an initiative designed to really get under our skin -- from a geological standpoint. The money is going into AuScope, a nonprofit company designed to help governments, universities, and research and science agencies collaborate in their efforts to better understand Australia's natural resources.
People quit managers, not jobs [It’s not them, it’s you]
A study of hospital workers conducted by Chilterns University College in the UK found that nurses working for hospital supervisors with poor management styles had significantly higher blood pressure than nurses working for bosses judged as understanding and considerate. As a result, the nurses with bad bosses had a roughly 20 percent higher risk of heart disease. Are you giving your employees heart attacks?
World’s economic malaise gut-punches Australian R&D as new bill gets tabled
Australian companies continue to increase their investment in research and development, but the growth rate has dropped dramatically, according to figures from the national Bureau of Statistics. This coincides with amendments to the Governments R&D tax credit bill.
Beam me down Scottie! New $63m nanotech research centre opens in Melbourne
When someone says "nanotechnology" to me, I get very Star Trekkie. My ears begin to taper elvishly. My eyebrows arch inquisitively. I embrace a peculiar affection for sticking my head into an upturned bowl. I develop a fondness for soaring arias and cavorting with semi-clad women of an emerald hue. But I have been corrupted by an unnatural relationship with television in my youth.
Australian, French researchers team up to battle Parkinson’s disease
Researchers in Australia and France will work together to fight Parkinson's disease and similar neurodegenerative maladies, using funds from a program managed by the nation's governments.
Australian, French researchers team up to battle Parkinson's disease
Researchers in Australia and France will work together to fight Parkinson's disease and similar neurodegenerative maladies, using funds from a program managed by the nation's governments.
Tania de Jong talks about how her grandmother patented the foldable umbrella (then lost...
Two remarkable things happened at the launch of Creative Innovation 2010. Firstly, a senior representative from a leading Australian bank told an endearing story about her early successes outside the banking sector. (It's a rare thing to be won over by a representative from the Australian banking sector.) Secondly, conference organiser Tania de Jong, surprised the crowd with a story about her grandmother's inventiveness... before bursting into song.
Which markets matter most to Australian exporters?
While our trade data is dominated by swings in the commodity cycle, some new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) tells us a little bit more about the Australian exporter community and how its members have been affected by the GFC.
Research: Smart phones and dumb employees are a toxic mix
Smart phones have brought both the world and the office to the palm and pocket, enabling increased productivity for the workforce on the move. However, this new-found freedom has exposed a mountain of previously secure company information to the threat of theft and destruction at the hands of cyber criminals.