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Tag: iphone applications

Apple blocks Japanese porn king Eugene's road to riches

Eugene Lin's ambition of becoming a millionaire 70 cents at a time has been thwarted by Apple's removal of 5,000 apps deemed to contain overtly sexual content -- apparently in response to user complaints -- thus removing the entire Peekaboo suite.

Apple blocks Japanese porn king Eugene’s road to riches

Eugene Lin's ambition of becoming a millionaire 70 cents at a time has been thwarted by Apple's removal of 5,000 apps deemed to contain overtly sexual content -- apparently in response to user complaints -- thus removing the entire Peekaboo suite.

How Eugene became a porn king in Japan

Eugene Lin wanted to be rich. So, he decided to invent an iPhone application. With nothing but an accelerometer, two dozen naked women, and the nation of Japan, Eugene surprisingly found himself with a ripper story to tell (in under five minutes).

Open data or bust: the road to the digital public square

All of us would applaud moves toward greater openness and transparency in government, but is the bureaucracy ready to reveal all its cards by making hard-to-find data available in web and mobile device software applications?

iPhone app review: Oz Weather and Pocket Weather

The top two weather apps on the Australian iTunes store are Oz Weather and Pocket Weather. These two are the weather man/girl for your iPhone.

iPhone app review: TripIt

The travel category of apps is the premium space on the iPhone app store - the Paris end, if you will. Although the more pricey apps reside here, they might make the difference between a great or average trip, missing or catching a flight, so it’s worth considering forking out the coin.
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Ever considered crowdfunding? [FREE REPORT]

Liz Wald is Vice President of International for Indiegogo.com. She has been terrifically successful raising funds through the crowd model.  One of her successes...



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...