Tag: Employsure
This legal start-up has reeled in 7,000 clients in just four years thanks to...
Launched in 2010 by Employment Relations barrister Edward Mallett, Employsure has reeled in 7,000 clients in just 4 years thanks to the Fair Work Act 2009
New research has found that flexible working hours and work/life balance are the secret...
Over a third of Australian employers believe that offering staff flexible work arrangements is the best way stop them searching out alternative employment, according to figures released by Employsure.
Research reveals unfair dismissal is the reason behind 1 in 3 disputes with staff
Unfair dismissal is the main reason employees make a formal claim against their employers, and of these claims, nearly a quarter centre around serious misconduct (12 per cent) or misconduct (12 per cent).
Do you have one of these 7 toxic employees wrecking havoc in your business?...
Toxic employees are the single major workplace issue for Australian employers within SMEs, based on findings by Employsure, Australia’s largest employee relations advisory service.
How to become the most annoying workmate in these 10 easy steps
Recently, 6,225 Australian employees were questioned about the habits they find most annoying with their workmates.
The results are in, and now ladies and...
Ever wonder how much time is spent on emails? The answer might surprise you…
68 per cent of bosses spend more than two days out of a given week reading and responding to emails. Let that simmer for a moment. Okay, now that you've wrapped your head around that statement taken from research recently completed by Sydney employment law consultancy, Employsure, allow me to wrap you over the head with a few more jarring stats from the report. (You know you love the abuse!)
Fair Work law proving a dampener for office Christmas parties
What's spooking Australian employers is a three-year-old law called Fair Work Australia that could potentially hold them liable for just about anything that happens at office Christmas parties.
Half of Australian workers have pulled a sickie. Eight in ten will do it...
54% of Australian workers admit to falsifying sick days in the last 12 months. 73% of those admit they do not feel guilty. Whilst 82% of employees who take sickie days say they will do it again. I bet many of you will be summoned to explain yourselves when your bosses read this.