Tag: email
Take your business on the road with the best tech for working remote in...
55% of Aussie small business owners run their businesses entirely from their smartphone. So, with a smartphone the only necessity for some business owners and fewer constraints tying you to that desk or cubicle, why not make 2020 the year that you explore remotely?
New study: Australian consumers prefer e-mails & texts over mobile apps & social media...
Cloud communications platform Twilio (NYSE: TWLO) has released new research showing that despite an explosion of new channels, email and text are still the preferred channels for consumers when talking to businesses.
Young Aussies might have taken off more byte than they can chew, says new...
The survey of 1,000 Australians, commissioned by Australian document productivity start-up Nitro, found nearly nine in ten (87 per cent) 18-25 year olds had recently faced a digital roadblock, such as forgetting a password or losing a digital document—nearly double that of respondents over 55 years old (55 per cent) and well above the national average (67 per cent), raising concerns about the efficiency and focus of the future workforce.
Seven steps to crafting the perfect email, with James Tuckerman [FREE REPORT]
We are all bombarded by emails every day. We bombard others with emails.
It’s a congested superhighway of e-promises, lead magnets and chit chat out there. So how on Earth are your emails going to stand out?
James Tuckerman is a man who knows a thing or ten about online marketing. In this cheat sheet, he shares seven steps to achieve two very clear goals:
Opens and click throughs.
Email in real life; it’s funny because it’s true [VIDEO]
Remember the days when you checked your inbox only to find that you had no new messages?
Me either.
In fact, most people get too much...
Seven words that every entrepreneur needs to know [VIDEO]
Lies. Damned lies.
Whether it's in business or in life, lies are told.
We all tell them. We all hear them. But, it depends on how...
This might be the best email productivity hack ever [VIDEO]
Don't look now but, I'm pretty sure that while you're reading this sentence you received some email.
You did check, didn't you? No, I'm not...
And for today’s business magic trick, I will turn a customer into a hardworking...
In today’s connected world, brand advocacy is more vital than ever. Did you know that on average, 32 per cent of advocates recommend ten...
Pledge your allegiance or fall! Oh, and this isn’t the Roman army, just the...
Many people dubbed 2012 “The Year of Mobile” and looking at the stats, one can’t help but agree. Especially given there are more smartphones in the world than there are people!
Hey mate, I need my money back. Do you know how many Aussies can’t...
It also found the majority of respondents (65%) were prepared to throw away at least $20 instead of having to chase a friend for the cash, with some saying they would even risk $100 to avoid the awkward follow-up. Money is tight for everyone right now but for some reason, Aussies still find it awkward, annoying, frustrating or even too risky for their friendships to chase friends for cash.
All I want for Christmas is a tech free holiday
Recently released, the 2012 Stayz Holiday Habits Report reveals that Australians are struggling to escape work or resist heavy use of social media while on annual leave, often to the detriment of relationships with their travelling companions. Commissioned by Australia’s leading holiday rental website Stayz.com.au, the research was conducted by Nielsen and surveyed 8,900 Australians.
Email Marketing Summit Australia taps US email marketing guru for keynote address
The upcoming Email Marketing Summit Australia, slated for October, has snagged Jeanniey Mullen as its keynote speaker. Mullen is a guru in the world of email marketing campaigns, serving as head of Zinio, a world leader in digital publishing services and products. Mullen also heads up VIVmag, the world’s first fully digital luxury magazine for women. She has also founded The Email Experience Council, which is the world’s first and largest email marketing organization.
Digital Relationship Marketing: 6 common mistakes and how to fix them
Everyone knows that happy loyal customers are the key to business success. These days with everyone emailing, Facebooking and tweeting it is easy to assume that as a regular user of technology you’re well equipped to implement a Digital Relationship Marketing (DRM) strategy. However, if you think your company’s DRM program is safe in the hands of just anyone, it may be worth considering the following common mistakes that are often made.
Is social media bringing out the worst in your company? Here are 4 tips...
Since the introduction of email to the workplace, the line between the personal and professional has become increasingly blurred. As social media becomes increasingly prolific in our day-to-day lives and its search engines more powerful, the potential of a private comment being unearthed and evolving into a serious organisational or even legal issue becomes a norm. What do organisations need to consider when trying to mitigate these risks?
Keep your online privacy locked down
The only foolproof way to keep your info from being permanently available to the other WWW – the whole wide world – is to make sure it doesn’t get uploaded in the first place. Remember: those Schoolies snaps of you with sick in your hair might nibble you on the buttocks when you run for parliament further down the line.
Ever IM’ed a friend who was sitting in the same room? Survey reveals what...
A clear majority of Australians today value their laptops more than their TVs, according to a survey commissioned by Intel. With all the talk of the internet becoming a fourth utility in households, that finding may not surprise. But just how internet dependent are we? According to the same survey, a lot of us are now OK chatting online or Facebooking with someone within earshot.
Is Botox ruining the way we communicate?
Somewhere along the line it has become unappealing to let others see our emotions. More and more we rely on highly impersonal means – text messaging, social media and emails – to keep in touch but also to convey confidential information, conduct negotiations and build relationships. More and more we are talking at everyone but not really connecting with anyone.
Is speed killing our communication skills?
Why do we think that fast is better and why do we so often mistake speed for efficiency in the workplace? John Freeman, author of 'Shrinking the World', thinks it's all a bit wrong-headed. Persephone Nicholas reports.
Email is the biggest time-waster in business
Michael Keaton, General Manager Lego Australia & New Zealand, is taking a stand. He estimates a typical office worker could save around eight working days each year by cutting the number of emails they send and receive by 20 percent, writes Persephone Nicholas.
6 email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them
While everybody seems to be talking about internet marketing, web 2.0/3.0, social media, Twitter, etc., many people seem to have forgotten about one of...