Tag: email
Get the message
Do you like receiving marketing via text message? I don’t. When my BlackBerry rings like a bicycle bell, I get a warm feeling inside...
10 secrets to marketing SMEs online
Being online levels the playing field. Big or small, everyone has the same chance to attract and convert customers. By following some basic principles, you can receive the same coverage as major players and see your business take off using savvy, affordable marketing techniques.
Wasted Opportunity With 'Don't Reply'
Take every chance to hear from your customers. Don't waste a single one. If they bother to hit reply and type something out, you should read it. If you're product or service doesn't have the margin to allow for listening to your customers when they want to talk to you, then you're in trouble.
Wasted Opportunity With ‘Don’t Reply’
Take every chance to hear from your customers. Don't waste a single one. If they bother to hit reply and type something out, you should read it. If you're product or service doesn't have the margin to allow for listening to your customers when they want to talk to you, then you're in trouble.
Most people at one time or another have wished they could travel back in time to impart sage advice to their younger selves. While...
Tame the email beast – get control, get opened, get actioned
If you’re not careful, half your day can vanish down your inbox’s throat.
A survey of almost 600 professionals showed two thirds of them spent...