Tag: david moore
Why I’m not getting an iPad (a rant)
Recently a friend on Facebook posted the following unqualified comment: “Why the pc is becoming irrelevant. iPad.” And I pointed out that, according to the dictionary, the iPad is a PC (i.e. personal computer). While the gadgetphile in me says I want an iPad v2, I can honestly say I can see no reason whatsoever why I need one.
Who-Do Guru? Take good care of your company’s tech wizards… before they take off!
Gurus are valuable, smart and a great source of information. They do provide quick solutions to problems, they do possess a great deal of domain knowledge and they do provide a continuum in highly technical and complex environments. Gurus have a lot to offer. The trick is extracting it from them before they are gone.
Cloud computing is cool… until you’re caught with your pants down
Just how do you guarantee your security, whatever you deem it to be, when you are “in the cloud”? Well, unlike actually being in a plane and in the clouds, security and safety is up to you. A seat belt, a sick bag and the foetal position won’t help you. If you want it secure, secure it yourself.
Debt-hole Surfers. Let’s rat ’em out!
They surf the cusp of legality and debt recovery. They know that what they do is illegal but they are happy in the knowledge that the cost versus benefit of chasing them is too high. They know too that these same things will keep them off debt registers. What do you do to rat out the rats?
Perfection on the internet is a fallacy. Just accept it.
Six weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he shares the hard truth about one of the most common misunderstandings between techies and their clients: Perfection doesn't exist on the web.
My wireless network is naff. Why wired networks are still more reliable.
Five weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he unmasks some of the preconceptions behind wireless networks and multitasking.
Are techies twiddling their thumbs at your expense?
Four weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he reveals some of the reasons computer technicians do what they do.
The most useful software programs are free (and other things your computer technician doesn't...
Two weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he continues with the uncomfortable truth about brands purchases and the concept of ‘free’.
The most useful software programs are free (and other things your computer technician doesn’t...
Two weeks ago, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance -- rules that are carefully guarded or simply too embarrassing to share. This week, he continues with the uncomfortable truth about brands purchases and the concept of ‘free’.
Here's something that most IT people won't tell you. Some responsibilities simply cannot be...
Last week, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance – 20 dark secrets your computer technician doesn’t want you to know (or is simply too embarrassed to tell you). This week, he continues with the uncomfortable truth about backing up your data.
Here’s something that most IT people won’t tell you. Some responsibilities simply cannot be...
Last week, David Moore commenced his expose into the secrets of computer maintenance – 20 dark secrets your computer technician doesn’t want you to know (or is simply too embarrassed to tell you). This week, he continues with the uncomfortable truth about backing up your data.
The iPad and other portable tablet computers: a milestone in the evolution of computing...
With the much-anticipated (and delayed) Australian launch of the iPad only four days away, David Moore looks to the past and considers whether there will be any real-world value in this new technology. Will it mark an evolutionary threshold in computing or will it be assigned to the technology basement of probably-shouldn’t-have-beens?
20 dark secrets your computer technician doesn’t want you to know (or is simply...
In the first part of a six part series, David Moore takes a behind-the-scenes look at the 'dark art' of computer maintenance and reveals some obvious (and some not so apparent) tricks to keeping your system up and running.
Don’t wait for politicians. Create the magic yourself.
Businesses like to hang their hat with one political party or another for a variety of misguided reasons. It may well explain why so many businesses go bust in the first three years. They are spending too much time hoping politicians will deliver them a miracle than, you know, working. Is it just coincidence that this time-frame is the same as the term of a government?
What do we want? Shiny objects! When do we want them? NOW!
“All humans want is to touch and own shiny objects. I am pretty sure it is hard-wired into our brains right alongside breathing, pumping blood, sex and sleeping. You might think you’re above all that, but you’re not.
I need a server! And other fear-based business purchases.
Picture this. You are at a party. You casually mention a problem you’ve had with your computer. Before you know it, someone you barely know creeps up and whispers the words “you need a server” and then disappears before they ever really showed up.
You are left confused and on your own with those words ringing in your ear.
Have you ever sacked a client?
Having just terminated a relationship with a client, David Moore considers the flawed client service model that sees the provider living on eggshells.
The lameness of lateness
Have you ever noticed how nobody seems to respect appointments? We only get one go at any point in time. Do you really want to spend it waiting for someone else? Take control!
Get rid of “Best Practice” Bingo once and for all
Yesterday I was in a meeting and the term “best practice” came up. It wafted across the table and went straight up my nose. The meeting was nearly over and I’d made a big enough menace of myself that day to launch into my tirade on “best practice”, so I’ll let you hear it now. It might change the way you think...
How to trump cunning linguistics and seize competitive advantage
The Commonwealth Bank is currently running an advertisement that irks me. Beyond all the arty-farty advertiser speak and debate over the campaign’s merits in the industry media, it contains a terminology flaw that sticks out like dogs balls.
When the kid says, “Can’t we just promise to fix it?” my hackles go up.