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Tag: Business Advice

This champion swimmer has partnered with Xero to help small businesses go for gold...

​Xero, a leading cloud accounting software, recently announced the launch of the Business Gold advice guide, featuring insights from champion swimmer and gold medallist Michael Klim, to help small businesses succeed.

Seven of the most disrespectful things people say to entrepreneurs (and how they can...

When you start your entrepreneurial journey, all sorts of people will want to give you advice. Some of it (hopefully) will be good. Some of...

Six tips every startup founder needs to know before they actually start

You don’t have any clients, and all the potential clients out there don’t know who you are. You’ve got an office, a computer and...

Are you a serial entrepreneur? Or just another serial business starter?

Whatever you believe, the road from idea to (hopefully) business success is, more often than not, a long and torturous odyssey. It takes dedication and grit. Paul Breen asks the question, ‘Are you a serial entrepreneur or just another serial business starter?’

How do you see your role in a startup?

I was thinking about the different roles people play at various stages of a startup and how they approach it, and I was reminded of this old story:

Steve Jobs advises Nike to "get rid of the crappy stuff" [VIDEO]

In this video clip, taken from Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference held last week in New York, Nike president and CEO Mark Parker relays some advice Steve Jobs offered him, providing valuable insight into why Jobs and Apple have enjoyed so much success in recent years.

Steve Jobs advises Nike to “get rid of the crappy stuff” [VIDEO]

In this video clip, taken from Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference held last week in New York, Nike president and CEO Mark Parker relays some advice Steve Jobs offered him, providing valuable insight into why Jobs and Apple have enjoyed so much success in recent years.

How to become a billionaire in 10 steps

We’re led to believe that success is a formula, but all too often ignore the silent evidence that contributes to that success. Take Bill Gates, for example.

Top 10 Easter tips for small businesses

Keeping a close watch on cashflow and improving administration processes is the answer to growth and sustainability in 2010. Here is a ten-point checklist designed to help small businesses get their houses in order.

Not all advice is equal

If you wanted to send a rocket to the international space station, would you listen to your cousin John when he said there’s no way that you should use that kind of fuel, because he used it in his car once and the car blew up? So why do people do this every day in their businesses?

"Keep your crises small." Pixar's Ed Catmull on why successful companies fail (and how...

Why do successful companies fail? Pixar's Ed Catmull addresses this key question through the prism of Pixar's growth from a small, unheard of digital animation company to the powerhouse Disney partner it is today.

“Keep your crises small.” Pixar’s Ed Catmull on why successful companies fail (and how...

Why do successful companies fail? Pixar's Ed Catmull addresses this key question through the prism of Pixar's growth from a small, unheard of digital animation company to the powerhouse Disney partner it is today.

10 sensible tips for business success in 2010

The New Year is a great time to take stock and prepare your business to gear up for a new operating environment. Westpac’s Sian Lewis provides the following New Year’s resolutions to kick-start your business for the year ahead…

15 new year business resolutions you should start NOW.

The new year is a perfect time to clean out your desk, head and bad habits. Rowena Murray offers 15 tips for streamlining your business, renewing focus and retuning for a bumper 2010.

The Creativity Formula: 50 scientifically-proven creativity boosters for work and for life

Dr Amantha Imber, Anthill’s Creativity Corner blogger, recently published a book entitled The Creativity Formula: 50 scientifically-proven creativity boosters for work and for life. We asked Amantha to hand-select an excerpt from the book to share with Anthill readers. Here is her selection. If it leaves you wanting more, please consider grabbing a copy of the book, which has earned praise from the likes of Seth Godin.

Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule for effective business presentations

In this classic talk, Kawasaki outlines his "10-20-30 Rule" for ensuring that your business presentations are sizzle-fests rather than snore-athons.

Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule for effective business presentations

In this classic talk, Kawasaki outlines his "10-20-30 Rule" for ensuring that your business presentations are sizzle-fests rather than snore-athons.

Why “Work smarter and not harder” is crap advice for entrepreneurs

When it comes to building a company from scratch, there’s no substitute for hard work, writes Sahil Merchant.

Lessons from the young rich

The more I have seen in business, the more I’ve learnt the importance of learning from people who have achieved the results you are looking for. These days many people are willing to give advice. The question is: what advice do you take on?

OMG how do you keep filling your rooms?!

I have several arms to my business, but one of the main ones is the events we run. We're currently in the process of filling a three day event and have been using low-cost preview events to do this. At every single preview event, I get someone asking me, "How do you keep filling your rooms?!"
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How to build a retail empire with James Webber [FREE REPORT]

Starting any new business is hard, but starting an online retail business is particularly hard. You see, this is one industry that combines technology, logistics and, of course, marketing – it’s a juggling act. To help us crack this hard nut, we sought the wisdom James Webber, CEO at Bookworld.



Most small business owners get caught up in the minutiae of a business. They become trapped like a hamster in a wheel, spinning, spinning, spinning,...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...