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Tag: Antarctica

Business lessons from Antarctica Part #2: Entrepreneurs are cheaters and take shortcuts

This is the second article in 'Business Lessons from Antarctica'. Read the first article here. "I hated school. I didn't fit in." It was only the...

Business Lessons from Antarctica Part #1: How to recover from a ‘kick in the...

I met Jeff Wilson moments after a huge defeat. Sixty minutes into our 90 minute flight across the Drake passage, the captain delivered a grim message. The fog had returned. The window had closed. It was no longer safe to land and we would be returning to Punta Arenas. In the words of Jeff, 'nature had kicked us in the nuts'. So, what has this to do with business?

How has this Melbourne start-up become an international brand in over 100 countries in...

Andrew Fallshaw and Hadrien Monloup have plenty in common. They are both geeks, both love bags and accessories and both come from design backgrounds -...

Want to visit Antarctica with 117 other entrepreneurs? Does a walrus like the cold!...

The most exciting entrepreneurial ventures seem to be those that are born by chance. Imagine two mates -- two highly successful entrepreneurs -- having a...
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How to pitch sales and marketing ideas to your boss with...

If you work in sales and marketing, part of your job is to demonstrate your value. In fact, this is a universal rule in any workplace. So, how do you get the attention of your immediate boss – team leaders, sales managers, marketing direc-tors, the CEO or even the Board – to, ultimately, make your ideas happen? Check out this FREE REPORT



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...