The Cloud Booster Program has just been launched. The program, which was created by Ninefold, is designed to accelerate the growth of Australian start-ups. The cloud computing company also announced Pollenizer and Startmate as the program’s first partners, which were soon joined by Innovation Bay and AngelCube.
The Australian cloud computing and storage company Ninefold has launched the Cloud Booster Program and announced startup hubs Pollenizer and Startmate as its first partners. These have since been joined by Innovation Bay and AngelCube.
The new program aims to help Australian startups supported by Pollenizer, Startmate, Innovation Bay and AngelCube by offering them free cloud computing and storage credit up to a year.
“Ninefold is an Australian business helping Australian business,” stated Peter James, Ninefold’s Managing Director.
“We’re really excited to launch The Cloud Booster Program as further evidence of our ongoing commitment to the local startup ecosystem,” he added.
Worth $2,000 per month for each startup, the Ninefold Cloud Booster Program gives the opportunity to the chosen startups to reduce a major infrastructure cost. They will also be involved in Ninefold’s marketing campaigns as well as receive set-up technical consultations.
“During the first twelve months of a business, it can seem like finance only goes one way – out,” said Phil Morle at Pollenizer.
“By providing free cloud computing and storage to our Australian companies for one year, the Ninefold Cloud Booster Program allows fledgling web businesses to develop their ideas with the help of our mentors and without worrying about things like hosting or infrastructure,” Morle added.
Startups are also assured that their data will be residing in Australian servers, decreasing latency and increasing speed. They will also benefit from Ninefold’s customer service which provides support via emais, live chat, twitter and phone, as well as no maintenance fees or lock-in plans.
“By partnering with The Ninefold Cloud Booster Program, startups can launch and then scale more easily and quickly, removing crucial bottlenecks in the early stages,” said Niki Scevak of Startmate.
More partners may be expected to be announced in the future, as Ninefold is working towards adding more communities to its Cloud Booster Program.
Photo by Jamison_Judd