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What is 30under30?
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. This year saw a surplus of highly qualified entrants, so we thought we would highlight some of the bright and innovative nominees who just missed the Top 30 by a wink. Behold, our 2012 30under30 Honourable Mentions! More.
Jo Schneider, SA (b. 1982)
Name: Jo Schneider
Age (as of 1 Aug 1982): 29 (Born: August 1982)
Gender: Female
State: SA
Known for: DVE Business Solutions
One of the questions often asked of Jo Schneider pertains to the fact that the co-founder of DVE Business Solutions, based outside of Adelaide, has a degree in mechanical engineering.
To her, the business benefit is obvious: problem solving skills. No other university degree comes close. “Business, life, work, anything we do can be achieved better with good problem solving skills,” says Schneider.
At DVE — notably consisting of an all-female team of problem solvers — her specialty areas include project management, process mapping, web development, and database development and implementation.
Clients, mainly found in the fields of health, education and other not-for-profit sectors, continue to come on board, to the point where DVE recently opened a second office in Sydney.
“I enjoy challenges and love having ‘ownership’ over businesses and operations,” says Schneider, who previously got involved in businesses related to animal therapy and horse riding.
“I am fascinated by the growth cycle of businesses, and I love starting them and watching them grow and evolve.”
Anthill asks: Jo Schneider, what is your super power?
I have a laser beam focus with a long-distance-vision lens. So I can see the future, how I want it to be, and can get on a path to drive myself, my team and my company there.
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.