The amazing success of the Pebble watch got the team at Anthill thinking. What could possibly be the next big thing in wearable, social devices?
I think we’ve stumbled across it. The LikeBelt is the physical manifestation of a Facebook like. You have to ask yourself, why didn’t anyone think of this before? Until you see it in action, then you’ll know exactly why!
As an open source device, if you own an Android phone with near field communication, and are a bit of an engineering wiz, you could have one of these babies by the end of the day! To make one, you’ll also need a belt and, a few of those spare RFID chips you’ve got kicking around your desk.
Just tape the RFID chips around places, or people, you like to visit. Then, off you go! So much liking to be done, so little time.
Will we all begin uttering the phrase, “Is that a LikeBelt, or are you just really glad to see me?”
LikeBelt was created by Deeplocal, a company that specialises in creating remarkable experiences that bridge the online and physical worlds. Think of them as a cyberpunk version of IDEO.
We think the LikeBelt is unlikely to replicate the commercial success of Pebble. Nor, was it actually designed to. However, it does go to show just how much fun can be had with the technology that surrounds us.
So, watch the video to enjoy a little bit of the crazy that makes the internet what it is.
I mean, what’s not to like?