Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches
By Matthew Michalewicz and Zbigniew Michalewicz (Hybrid Publishers, 2006, 236pp)
Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches |
We read and hear about the success stories of various entrepreneurs. So what is it that gives these successful entrepreneurs the winning edge that so many in the business world desire?
According to Matthew and Zbigniew Michalewicz, the secret is credibility. In their book Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches, the father and son team use their pool of experience to highlight the significance of credibility in building a successful business. The writers, who are both entrepreneurs as well as academics, claim that entrepreneurship is all about the art of selling. Regardless of whom the sale involves – a customer, investor or employee – credibility underpins the sale’s success or failure. Many business books have been written on the art of selling, but most neglect the importance of credibility.
This book is practical guide for overcoming the obstacles that most entrepreneurs potentially face when starting or expanding a business. It provides well-demonstrated examples and offers readers a whole host of suggestions and tips, whether you are an entrepreneur or just interested in entrepreneurial skills.
Winning Credibility uses a running case study to establish its key points, in a humorous yet effective manner. Explained in an easily comprehendible manner, the credibility building principles exemplified in this book are designed to give your business the winning edge.
Marketing Works: Unlocking big company strategies for small business
By Chris Lee & Daniele Lima (Morgan James, 2006, 178pp)
Marketing Works:
Unlocking Big Company Strategies
for Small Business
Marketing is a central aspect of any business, small or large. Whether you own a business or you are a potential business entrepreneur, you won’t get very far without a clear understanding of marketing fundamentals.
With emphasis squarely on small businesses, this book highlights the essential employment of effective marketing models. The authors use their vast experience and knowledge gathered from working with various Fortune 200 companies as marketing consultants to offer strategies that small businesses can implement immediately.
There’s nothing novel here, but for small business owners or prospective business owners the information provided by Lima and Lee might prove constructive. For business owners just starting out, this is a good starting place. Marketing Works undoubtedly gives valuable insight on one of the most dynamic and important aspects of modern business.