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Tilda Yeow

Tilda hails from Singapore, and is a fortunate victim of chronic wanderlust and insatiable curiosity. Born and raised on the tiny island of skyscrapers, she left a wonderful corporate job in oil and gas to become a wanderful citizen of the world. She’s now in South America to volunteer for social enterprises, travel, and write. Tilda is also the editor and writer of her travel site, wanderfulpeople.com. You can reach out to her on [email protected]

Three red flags to watch out for in an Incubator [Attention Start-Ups!]

My recent story on start-up incubators certainly generated some lively discussion and a large number of emails from people outlining their less-than-ideal experiences. Mostly, their...

Watch out for the fastest growing movement of women entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs, it seems, are no longer interested in joining the 'boys club' when it comes to the business of networking. And why should...

Can we fight poverty by profiting from it? This radical business course will teach...

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when we mention the word 'poverty'? Images of hungry people, is my best guess. Most people don't...

Will this start-up revolutionise socially responsible fashion?

In 2013, the devastating Bangladeshi factory collapse that killed 1,127 people left many consumers with questions about the ethics of multinational fashion retailers. Some...

Four great clues for running a business that I’ve learned from Sherlock Holmes

We’ve all heard nuggets of business wisdom from real world geniuses like Mark Zuckerberg and the late Steve Jobs. But, could we also learn...
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Learn how to devise winning business ideas in four steps with...

It’s often said that everyone will have at least one big business idea in his or her lifetime. But how do you know if your next big idea is genuinely great or a genuine waste of time? This cheat sheet will help you formulate ideas, identify opportunities, evaluate their strengths and take your first big step forward. Learn how to get focus and clarity. Plus, score a bonus tip that will help you more than you might think!


Five ways to manage your time by managing yourself, with Helen...

Finding the time to tackle everything is one of the greatest challenges faced by business owners. To help time-starved business owners work smarter and not harder, we spoke with Helen Ebdon. The director of Affirming Business and Executive Coaching, she’s a serial entrepreneur who started her first business at age 25. She’s built and run direct marketing and communications businesses and she’s also the creator of the Take 15 Program for business effectiveness.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...