In the world of digital marketing, video reigns supreme.
This is evident in Animoto’s Social Video Trends: Consumer and Marketer Insights 2020 where 91 percent of video marketers report an increase in ROI, with 93 percent saying video has directly led to a significant increase in customers.
However, video is ubiquitous and in marketing, you need to make yourself ring out through the white noise.
Enter motion graphics.
This kind of motion media was a preserve of the movie industry. Opening titles and the closing credits featured graphics into which life had been injected. Fast forward decades later, they are now very much being used in video marketing material.
In simple terms, motion graphics are graphic elements that have been animated. Marketers use motion graphics for various purposes, including explainer videos because they easily clarify a concept. Additionally, they make for an attractive aesthetic, making them suitable for sharing on social media.

Now that we have covered what motion graphics are, read on to find out why they should be a part of your marketing and social media content strategy.
Benefits of motion graphics in video marketing content and social media
Per data from a report by the Content Marketing Institute, close to three-quarters of marketers consider video production as the top task in their content strategy. Nevertheless, a majority of them don’t create anything out of the ordinary.
Incorporating motion graphics into this strategy is a great way to climb head and shoulders over the competition.
Below we find out just why motion graphics are the way to go when it comes to marketing content and handling social media.
Motion graphics make mundane content more interesting
The current overly digital era contains way too much content for most people to lack what to watch. So, if you offer content that the audience considers boring, a more interesting thing is just a click away.
You, therefore, need to make sure that individuals in your target market perk up when they come across your content. Using motion graphics is a great way to do that.
Now, consider this. You’re in charge of marketing an appliance or machinery. The unique selling point of this product requires technical explanation. The obvious approach would be to get an expert to explain this.
And not to paint technical experts with the same brush, but that video is very likely to induce several yawns. However, motion graphics make it more interesting, and crucially, they explain the concept much better.
Take a look at this video animation we crafted for the Magstir Genie, a magnetic stirrer from Scientific Industries, Inc.
Motion graphics create and increase brand awareness
In a saturated market, having a strong brand identity increases the slice of market share in your business’ favor. If potential customers are aware of your brand, they are more likely to proceed through to the last stage of the sales funnel.
With conventional video production, you can craft an identity. However, the overhead attached to producing live-action content that fully incorporates your brand’s voice and ethos can run up to where it’s not profitable anymore.
When it comes to motion graphics, however, you can deftly include several hints that point to your brand. The audience can easily pick up these identifiers in any subsequent video animation productions that you greenlight.
Every time someone comes across your video, they will instantly recognize the brand and pay more attention to it.
In this animated video production for Impark Digital, you can clearly see they subtly allude to their brand colors. In each scene, there’s a black and red theme.
Motion graphics are easily shareable
This video animation content lends itself well to social media. Motion graphic videos are short and get straight to the point. Add that to the fact that they are visually appealing and you have a recipe for success on social media platforms.
Shareability also taps into another prominent aspect of video marketing – mobile. According to the IAB Video Advertising Spending Report, a third of digital marketing budgets are allocated to mobile advertising.
This is no surprise given that the majority of people interact with their social media platforms via their mobile devices.
Tailoring motion graphics to dovetail with mobile devices is a great way to move your marketing strategy ahead.
Check out this piece of video marketing content and note the length. It packs all the important information in just a minute and a few seconds. This makes it easy for people to understand and share it with families, friends and colleagues who they feel are interested in the product or service in the video.
Motion graphics are efficient and cost-effective
As we have alluded to before, motion graphics package complex information and present it in a form that ordinary members of your target market can easily understand. This cuts out the expense of having to get someone to explain something that a few graphics can easily illustrate.
Live-action video production is quite expensive. It requires securing a location or studio and an entire crew. Furthermore, the process requires hiring talent and equipment like cameras.
On the other hand, motion graphics cut down costs considerably. All the work can be done on a computer with the help of some software. It also consumes less time to complete.
Another aspect that puts motion graphics ahead is the fact that they can be made without any sound. Many people watch videos on mute when using their mobile devices. This can be because they are at work or in a public place.
Although live-action video might employ subtitles, they can be a strain on the eyes. They also require concentration to keep up with the message of the video. With motion graphics, however, the text itself is animated to both pass on the message and also keep the audience engaged.
In this example, the video animation has sound but one could also understand it when the sound is off.
Wrap up
Motion graphics are a great way to propel your brand forward. They have several benefits which not only grow your brand but also move the books into the black due to an increase in conversations.
You can get started on crafting your motion graphic content here by getting in touch with experts from our video animation company.
Larry Mutenda is a Digital Marketing Consultant who runs a marketing agency, Mammothic Group Inc. with several companies that specialize in digital marketing, video production and animation.