Home Events Why Invest in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane property – Evening

Why Invest in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane property – Evening


In this information briefing, successful Australian property investor John Hopkins will discuss his theories on investing in Australia’s major capitals and teach attendees about the different property markets.

This event is for people who are new to investing in property, as well as those looking to diversify their property portfolio.

Information briefing will be approximately 1 hour long.

Spaces are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Dates: Thursday 25 March 2010
Time: 6.30pm
Location: Melbourne
Cost: No Charge

Don’t miss out. Click here to register.

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John Hopkins Group

The John Hopkins Group provides a full range of financial services, assisting and encouraging individuals like you to achieve financial well-being and financial independence by recommending appropriate long-term Financial Strategies.

The John Hopkins Group has four divisions:

  • Financial Planning
  • Property
  • Mortgages & Finance
  • Accounting

Each division provides its clients with a specialised service to ensure a total financial services solution.

john hopkins logo  cropped sm The Key To Succesful Property   InvestmentJohn Hopkins Group

Phone: 1300 726 082
Fax: 1300 726 132
Level 8, 99 William Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
