Tag: yammer
Young Aussies might have taken off more byte than they can chew, says new...
The survey of 1,000 Australians, commissioned by Australian document productivity start-up Nitro, found nearly nine in ten (87 per cent) 18-25 year olds had recently faced a digital roadblock, such as forgetting a password or losing a digital document—nearly double that of respondents over 55 years old (55 per cent) and well above the national average (67 per cent), raising concerns about the efficiency and focus of the future workforce.
Microsoft joins the corporate chatter as companies go social
Yammer’s got some great numbers. Its software is used by five million people at 200,000 companies, nearly 85% of the Fortune 500 companies. What's more, reports suggest Yammer reached seven-figure revenues at least two years ago. But will it be the answer to Microsoft's social ambitions?
Six things every business must include in their strategy if they want to be...
People are at the centre of almost every business. Customers, shareholders, staff and other stakeholders are increasingly talking to one another. Lately, their conversations increasingly are taking place online and even more so on social media platforms. So, whether you like it or not, you are in a social media business.
Global Hub network pops up in Melbourne. “Would you like a connection with that?”
There may be a conspicuous 'Me' in the word Melbourne, but a new global movement has taken root in the city's business district to encourage teamwork in dynamic spaces. Collaborative consumption is the name of the movement. You may have heard of it: The Financial Times has deemed it a “social revolution gaining momentum.” Hub Melbourne is its latest achievement.