Tag: unilever
4 leadership lessons from 4 great leaders: What business owners can learn from Gandhi,...
The leadership landscape in the 21st century is almost certainly different to what you prepared for.
Market volatility, strategic uncertainty, competitive complexity, and ethical and...
Why I’m doing an internship for a 12 year old entrepreneur
In late 2011, Oliver hatched a plan to hold a unique fundraising event.
Having found out about the amazing support a friend received while undergoing...
Have we lost our sense of humour? Or is the Lynx Balls ad really...
There's nothing like getting banned by the Advertising Standards Board for generating masses of free PR. The latest Lynx ad, which seeks to encourage Australians to clean their dirty balls (the double entendre is more than intended), has been censured for denigrating the elderly.
Crowdsourcing crisis: Should ‘Idea Bounty’ be renamed ‘Discount Idea Store’?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Here at Anthill, we've taken a particular interest in the evolving concept of crowdsourcing, and specifically the growing practice of companies sourcing creative ideas and designs from the crowd online. Crowdsourcing is a bone of contention in the Anthill community. For yet another view, here we publish the thoughts of Paul Cornwell, Partner at creative agency BCM Partnership, on Unilever's recent use of crowdsourcing website Idea Bounty to source creative ideas for its Peperami brand.
Crowdsourcing crisis: Should 'Idea Bounty' be renamed 'Discount Idea Store'?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Here at Anthill, we've taken a particular interest in the evolving concept of crowdsourcing, and specifically the growing practice of companies sourcing creative ideas and designs from the crowd online. Crowdsourcing is a bone of contention in the Anthill community. For yet another view, here we publish the thoughts of Paul Cornwell, Partner at creative agency BCM Partnership, on Unilever's recent use of crowdsourcing website Idea Bounty to source creative ideas for its Peperami brand.