Home ANTHILL TV Apple ditched its skeuomorphic design for for iOS7. Well done them.

Apple ditched its skeuomorphic design for for iOS7. Well done them. [VIDEO]


Ever since Apple announced that it ditched its skeuomorphic design for the latest operating system, Google has been running hot.

Running hot on what? I hear you say.

Running hot on searches by people trying to work out what skeuomorphism means.

Never fear. The team from our favourite parody startup Vooza has created this video to explain it. Sort of.

If you really want to know what it means, try this:
A skeuomorph is a derivative object that retains ornamental design cues of the original design. They tend to be used to make new things look comfortably familiar. Or, they are used simply because old habits are too ingrained to change.

Yes. I looked it up on Wikipedia and still found the need to simplify the description to make it make sense!

Thanks Jony Ive for expanding our vocabularies.

What is Skeuomorphism?