Tag: Tony Abbott
Would you hire Malcolm Turnbull? How to select the best candidate for a job
As the boss, who you let in through the door can make or break you, especially in small business. How do you ensure you always choose the right people?
PowerDialer.co overcomes a nervous pitch to come out on top at Startup Weekend Brisbane...
Co-working community River City Labs recently announced the winner of Startup Weekend Brisbane after hosting the 54-hour business creation event over the second weekend of July 2015.
Are tax rules driving innovation (and startups) overseas?
The Institute of Public Accountants has called for a review of tax rules that effectively treat employee share options as income and tax them accordingly in the year it is acquired, rather than on disposal. Such a regime drives innovation offshore, the group claims.
2014: Tougher going for innovation and venture capital
It might be a good thing if you are back at work bright and early this year, after all the partying. That’s because you...
Anything America can do, we can do better and, in a shorter time frame...
I don't think I could stand the U.S. election cycle. Three years of campaigning would be unbearable. The Australian election cycle is bad enough.
Rudd vs. Abbott. Playing on a social media near you.
As the political battle heats up ahead of the national elections this year, a Canadian software-maker has come up with real-time analytics on how it’s playing out on the all-important social media.
What does Twitter and its hashtags say about us? Plenty that is endearing
In a nutshell, the study demonstrates strength and complexity of connections among Australian users of Twitter, besides revealing “vibrant networks around issues of interest and concern to Australians that interweave across the whole physical continent.”
Talking Business podcast. Commonwealth Bank: free money for all!
In the latest edition of Talking Business, Leon and Garry have a natter about Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s push to turn the prospective carbon price into an election issue. According to the chaps: “The horse trading’s begun already.”
Tony is more likely to shop online than Julia, according to Kogan’s numbers
Australia’s self-appointed online retail antagonist Ruslan Kogan -- while possibly enjoying a slow day at the office -- has crunched his online traffic numbers to reveal that the most popular names of 2010 online shoppers on the Kogan site were John, Peter, David, Michael and Paul (in addition to some information that you might actually one day use, on how and why Australians shop online).
What will government limbo do to small business' already shaky confidence?
Confidence in the federal government's polices hit its lowest point since August 2008 in the latest Sensis Business Index quarterly survey. What will the hung Parliament resulting from the election do to that already shaky confidence? The mind boggles.
What will government limbo do to small business’ already shaky confidence?
Confidence in the federal government's polices hit its lowest point since August 2008 in the latest Sensis Business Index quarterly survey. What will the hung Parliament resulting from the election do to that already shaky confidence? The mind boggles.
Hilarious Taiwanese animation sheds light on the 2010 Australian election
If you're seeking a brief recap of the 2010 Australian election look no further than this short clip from Next Media Animation (NMA). According to NMA webiste, "Our fast, accurate and engaging animations tackle all the top breaking stories." What the company fails to mention is the pure hilarity that the site often brings to its international coverage.
Help us populate Anthill's DUMB REPORT for 2009
Every year, at about this time, we take greater pleasure in assembling and releasing the outcomes of our annual DUMB REPORT, a selection of goofs, gaffs and groaners from the world of business, politics, media and marketing. As we've said in the past, making mistakes is all part of growing a business. According to the wisdom of Kerry Packer, "If you get things right 60 percent of the time, you will rule the world." It's just a pity that not all mistakes are created equal.
Help us populate Anthill’s DUMB REPORT for 2009
Every year, at about this time, we take greater pleasure in assembling and releasing the outcomes of our annual DUMB REPORT, a selection of goofs, gaffs and groaners from the world of business, politics, media and marketing. As we've said in the past, making mistakes is all part of growing a business. According to the wisdom of Kerry Packer, "If you get things right 60 percent of the time, you will rule the world." It's just a pity that not all mistakes are created equal.