Tag: telcos
Meet KISS Mobile, Anthill 2011 Cool Company Award Finalist [Micro Business Category]
We suspect the first word in this small telecommunications company's name has nothing to do with liplocks and everything to do with "keep it simple, stupid." Founded in Melbourne, Kiss Mobile offers a pay-as-you-go alternative to the contractual phone plans from the big telcos.
Will the NBN simply involve one monopoly supplanting another?
The establishment of an NBN, as currently proposed, creates a legitimate concern: will Australia supplant one great big monopoly with another great big monopoly? If the controlling body of the NBN displays monopolistic tendencies in pricing and management (which it may have to do given the proposed level of investment), then what benefits will we really be creating?
Top 10 ways to kill your phone costs
Look after the cents and the dollars will look after themselves. You might have first heard this axiom on your mother’s knee, but it...