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Tag: problem solving

Will we soon see the MBA be replaced by a Master of Fine Arts...

Today’s successful engineer should be driven by business and technical knowledge together with art. We are living in a transition time and this time calls for new models, a new management mindset and new management tools.

Watch as chocolate is created out of nothing! [VIDEO]

Is is magic? Not really. It's maths. Which can be kind of magical if you don't understand what's going on. What's the tenuous link to business...

How to create demand for a really boring product [VIDEO]

Of all the household chores, there's one thing I like the least. That's ironing. But, it's closely followed by vacuuming. Even with a Dyson, vacuuming...

Does anyone want your app? Six reasons why no one may use your app...

This video from Google's app developers outlines some of the common mistakes businesses make when creating an app. Whether your business is your app, or...

A reminder to every entrepreneur: sometimes what looks impossible, actually isn’t [VIDEO]

We've all had those days. You know the ones. One of those days. The ones where whatever obstacle has just placed itself between your startup...

Check out what this amazing 15 year old entrepreneur has invented [VIDEO]

This invention has the potential to change lives. It was invented by 15 year old Ann Makosinski. It won her the Google Science Fair award...

Having expert skills makes the hard look easy, almost too easy [VIDEO]

So, it's nearly Christmas. And, whether that matters to you or not, it's a time of year that creates some very unique forms of...

An amazing innovation that you might find hard to watch but, it’s going to...

Straight up, I'm going to post a warning. This video includes video of real human organs about to undergo transplant surgery. If you find...

Why you should fail often, in order to succeed sooner [VIDEO]

What do shopping trolleys, Free Willy and the mouse for the Apple Mac have in common? Well, it's the stunning design process that IDEO used to design these, well sort of, every day items. Some people may have a need for an every day killer whale.

The Law of Success — Lesson Six: Imagination

The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons, Napoleon Hill’s 1,600+ page monstrosity published prior to Think and Grow Rich, contains a lot of useful information that can help you realise your potential. In this series, Joshua Moore covers each of these attributes in a practical way that you can apply to your life and work. Today he discusses Lesson Six: Imagination

The Woz explains how sleep deprivation led to colour displays

Major inventions and technical breakthroughs often happen by accident. Here legendary Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak explains how, while working with Steve Jobs to meet a deadline for Atari, he went four days without sleep, leading to one of his greatest technological breakthroughs.

Research: You make better decisions using intuition (or sleeping)

The latest research published within the field of cognitive psychology has shown that criteria-based decision-making could actually lead to poorer decisions. In fact, you’re better off sleeping on it.

How a picture of a punk can boost your creativity

Recent research indicates that people think more creatively when looking at an image of a punk. Pinning up deviant images could be just the trick to introduce a little controlled anarchy to your brain.

The Master Chef approach to problem solving

The reality show Master Chef Australia takes amateur chefs and teaches them new techniques and skills, demonstrating what can be achieved with a little training and the right recipe. As with successful recipes, preparation for problem solving is important. So here are three simple points to get you started on your way to becoming a Master Problem Solver:

5 reasons your problems aren’t being solved (and 5 ways to solve them)

Without knowing it, we're constantly hindering ourselves from thinking productively and solving problems. The good news is, this is easy to remedy. Here are five things we do that hinder productive thought and five things we can do to think better.

5 reasons your problems aren't being solved (and 5 ways to solve them)

Without knowing it, we're constantly hindering ourselves from thinking productively and solving problems. The good news is, this is easy to remedy. Here are five things we do that hinder productive thought and five things we can do to think better.
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The Top 5 Most Insanely Dumb Mistakes made by Rookie and...

LinkedIn is a professional and commercial platform. What you do on LinkedIn matters: it really matters, and if you’re not careful, your actions can backfire and tarnish your brand and your integrity. We're going to throw out a wild guess and say that you don’t want to get burned by your mistakes. Fair enough. This FREE REPORT from David Hobson has the five most common LinkedIn mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...