Tag: Finance
Welcome to the shallow end of the corporate gene pool
“When we arrived, the staff knew we were a triage team called in to determine whether they should receive emergency surgery and a chance at life or a shot of morphine and a painless journey to oblivion.”
The customer is always right, except when we say they’re wrong!
When we last left Mr 1% Spend, he was asking some tough finance and tech accountability questions of bemused Sydney business manager “George” and his increasingly exasperated cohorts. Today, the story reaches its climax as the author questions whether spending $15,000 to upgrade Microsoft Office is the most intelligent use of company funds.
The customer is always right, except when we say they're wrong!
When we last left Mr 1% Spend, he was asking some tough finance and tech accountability questions of bemused Sydney business manager “George” and his increasingly exasperated cohorts. Today, the story reaches its climax as the author questions whether spending $15,000 to upgrade Microsoft Office is the most intelligent use of company funds.
Straight-forward steps to improve your business cashflow
Poor cashflow is the biggest killer of promising startups and SMEs. Here, Alan Sharfman provides some outlines some simple steps you can take to improve you cashflow situation.
Income & Equity Accelerator – Lunch Seminar
Guest presenters JB Global will talk about the philosophy behind Warren Buffet's successful investment strategy - philosophies that you can then apply to all your investments. JB Global will also share insights into how you can access Warren Buffet's investment vehicle, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and teach you leverage strategies to invest in the share market.
Income & Equity Accelerator – Lunch Seminar
Guest presenters JB Global will talk about the philosophy behind Warren Buffet's successful investment strategy - philosophies that you can then apply to all your investments. JB Global will also share insights into how you can access Warren Buffet's investment vehicle, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and teach you leverage strategies to invest in the share market.
Income & Equity Accelerator – Evening Seminar
Guest presenters JB Global will talk about the philosophy behind Warren Buffet's successful investment strategy - philosophies that you can then apply to all your investments. JB Global will also share insights into how you can access Warren Buffet's investment vehicle, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and teach you leverage strategies to invest in the share market.
Income & Equity Accelerator – Evening Seminar
Guest presenters JB Global will talk about the philosophy behind Warren Buffet's successful investment strategy - philosophies that you can then apply to all your investments. JB Global will also share insights into how you can access Warren Buffet's investment vehicle, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and teach you leverage strategies to invest in the share market.
Finance for Small Business: Mission Impossible? (Five alternative options)
Funding and cashflow are the seemingly ever elusive crucial components to running a small business. With the banks being the most obvious source to approach, business owners often find this a frustrating and generally ‘closed-door’ option. David Hechtor looks at the alternatives.
Why startups don't need a budget
The first thing you need to do in order to take the amazing idea in your head and turn it into a fully-fledged company is to raise capital, and the first piece of advice you’ll get is to create a business plan and a forecast. If that sounds like an awful lot of hard work, you're right. If you don’t even know where your next pay cheque is coming from, how can you be expected to have foresight years ahead on the performance of a company that exists only in thin air? It also sounds suspiciously like a budget -- something you thought you’d left behind in the corporate world.
Why startups don’t need a budget
The first thing you need to do in order to take the amazing idea in your head and turn it into a fully-fledged company is to raise capital, and the first piece of advice you’ll get is to create a business plan and a forecast. If that sounds like an awful lot of hard work, you're right. If you don’t even know where your next pay cheque is coming from, how can you be expected to have foresight years ahead on the performance of a company that exists only in thin air? It also sounds suspiciously like a budget -- something you thought you’d left behind in the corporate world.
How to finance a BIMBO
Want to take it to the next level in your company. It might be time to finance a BIMBO. Todd O’Neil explains.
Angels descend on South Australia in February!
Anthill magazine is proud to support the forthcoming Australian Association of Angel Investors Ltd 2010 Conference, to be held at the Stamford Hotel, Glenelg, South Australia in Febraury.
10 sensible tips for business success in 2010
The New Year is a great time to take stock and prepare your business to gear up for a new operating environment. Westpac’s Sian Lewis provides the following New Year’s resolutions to kick-start your business for the year ahead…
Plan your cashflow this holiday season – or it could get very ugly
March is consistently the worst month of the year for company insolvencies. Why? Because businesses don’t plan for the inevitable drop in cashflow over the holiday period. Tim Lea offers some great advice on how to keep all the balls in the air while you and your customers are enjoying the summer break.
8 steps to buy out the boss
If you ain't the Big Cheese, it's likely you think (at least occasionally) that you could run the company better. So get a team together and make it happen! Here are eights steps to buying out your boss and seizing the reins.
At last, a Federal grant for IT
The Federal Government has just launched a new grant for third party service providers to help small and home based businesses with:
• ‘free or low cost’ IT skills development
• training and mentoring services
• improved web presence and e-business capability
Funding is available up to $500,000.
Boost cashflow by reducing your cycle time
Many businesses fail despite having customers lined up around the block. The reason? They grow too fast. If you have a long cycle time between order and payment, chances are you’re used to cashflow crises. It’s time to reduce your cycle time.
How to grow your business without borrowing
If you've tried to get new lending or renew an existing loan recently, you'll know just how hard it is. As a result of...
Lessons learnt this year = more profit next year
There is an old saying: "If you aim at nothing you will hit the target with amazing accuracy." If you want to improve the results in your business, you need a target to aim for and a system for monitoring progress.