Tag: Finance
Polishing up your financial crystal ball
The 2008/2009 financial year would have to be one of the most volatile for many years. What will 2009/2010 bring for SMEs? Some say it will be tougher and there will be more job losses and some say there will be great opportunities around. Whatever the next financial year brings, every business owner needs to plan for the worst and the best case scenario.
The future of finance
As a new generation of Gordon Gekko's fry under the blowtorch of angry shareholders and world leaders brace themselves for the bill from mass bailouts, it's easy to answer the question, "What is the future of finance?" by simply asking another: "Is there a future for finance?"
Focus on the numbers: a business health checklist
Across the board, strong businesses are those that are well run and designed to withstand outside influences, or have factored in potential risks and have a plan to manage the situation.
How to improve the value of your business
As a business owner contemplating an exit, you need to be strategic but opportunistic.
While your levers of long–term business value are your people,...
Make borrowing go the extra stretch
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While equity, loans from shareholders, bank overdrafts and bank loans are the staple for day to-day company...
Cashflow 101: the King and I
Cash is king... and no one except Elvis is likely to disagree. So why don't we ever have enough and how can we fix cashflow problems without selling off part of our company?
Ahoy! Finance for growth
For ambitious businesses seeking investment dollars for expansion, the high seas of capital raising are as turbulent as they are vast. With so many...